When I was twenty-seven years old, Kathryn and I had been married about a year and a half. One afternoon, I was walking across the parking lot from our car to our apartment, and I was feeling great. I had a skip in my step. Life was good. I thought to myself, "What can I be doing differently? What area do I need to grow in?" Almost immediately, I came to the happy conclusion: "Nothing. I'm good. There is nothing I need to improve!"
Read MoreWhy It's Important for Leaders to Recognize Their Need for Growth
February 4, 2022 / by Michael K. Redman
posted in Business Development, Leadership
That's Business: A Year of Patience, Preparation, and Perseverance
January 3, 2022 / by Kathryn Redman
posted in Our Thought Bubbles, Business Development, HaBO News
Do you find yourself thinking “how is it 2022 already?” Time is relentless and the older we get, the faster it seems to tick along! We've been thinking a lot about how we frame up our reality. How we see and perceive the world we live in these days, and how we lead well with all that is swirling around us.
Read MoreBusiness News-How Facebook is Taking Online Shopping to the Next Level
November 12, 2015 / by Jessica Miley
posted in Social Media, Business Development, News
We all do it. We check our Facebook on a regular basis and we are always looking for technology to make our lives easier. So it isn’t surprising that Facebook is making it easier for businesses to sell products online. This week’s business news from Half a Bubble Out is to give an update on social media marketing and to help you decide if your business is up to snuff.
Read More5 Reasons Why You Should Care About Inbound Marketing Software
September 8, 2015 / by Paige Gilbert
posted in Inbound Marketing, Business Development, Grow Your Business
You might not care at all about the software used to provide inbound marketing services. You might care a lot because the budget you have to work with requires you to use the software yourself with an agency’s guidance. Either way, if you’re considering inbound marketing services for your business you need something that’s user friendly, can meet you wherever you are, and help your small business on the progression to get more customers.
Attention: Online Marketing Consultants Cause Changes to Your Health
August 19, 2015 / by Paige Gilbert
posted in Inbound Marketing, Business Development, Grow Your Business
This just in: hiring online marketing consultants may cause significant changes in your health and well-being. A significant number of small business owners have reported less stress, fewer sleepless nights, heftier pocket books, better employee relationships, and actually looking forward to going to work. They credit it all to inbound marketing.
Read More4 Internet Marketing Solutions That Help Build the Business You Want
August 6, 2015 / by Jessica Miley
posted in Internet marketing, Business Development
Imagine your perfect business. You have happy customers and happy employees which means customers show up to buy and your employees show up to work. You are always in the green which means that you don’t have to worry about provision. Your business has room to grow if that is what you want. Heck, do you want to go global? If this sounds like something you want then learn more about 4 internet marketing solutions to help get you on the right track.
Read MoreBusiness Marketing: Hulu Going Ad Free and Why it Matters to You
July 24, 2015 / by Jessica Miley
posted in Business Development, News
It’s happening - the numbers from Nielsen are showing that TV watching is going down and the number of subscribers to online streaming services is going up. One of the popular services, Hulu, may be making a marketing move that will not only please its customers but will bring in more revenue. The billion dollar a year company might be going ad free. But as a business owner, why should you care about this weeks’ business marketing news?
Read More5 Tools Everyone in the Inbound Marketing Agency Industry Should Be Using
July 14, 2015 / by Jessica Miley
posted in Inbound Marketing, Business Development
So you are the CEO of an inbound marketing agency. Congratulations and welcome to the cool kids club. We know what great work you can do with inbound and we also know how much energy and effort goes into every task that we complete. To help make your life easier, here are 5 different tools that you need.
Read MoreWhy You Need Social Media Consulting Even if You (Think) You’re a Guru
May 26, 2015 / by Paige Gilbert
posted in Content Marketing, Social Media, Business Development
Meet social media Sarah. When it comes to her personal social media pages she never misses an opportunity for a stellar status update. She’s a great Facebook friend. She’s terrific at Twitter. Her LinkedIn profile is professional. Her Instagram is incredible. She manages all of her personal social media accounts flawlessly. It’s fun for her and she’s good at it, which is why she thinks she could do it as a career, no problem.
Poor Sarah. She doesn’t know that there are some big differences between social media for personal and business use. She needs social media consulting if she’s going to even think about doing it professionally.
Read MoreEmail Marketing Strategy 101: Get The Basics Today
April 29, 2015 / by Jessica Miley
posted in Business Development, email marketing, Lead Nurturing
We get it, there is a lot of information on the internet that makes you question whether or not you are running your small business properly. Now you are questioning whether or not you need an email marketing strategy. Keep on reading to get the basics on how businesses can use consumers’ inboxes to increase awareness and gain more customers.
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