The power of the 45 minute testimonial

July 20, 2012 / by Michael K. Redman


I’m going to start subscribing to the San Francisco Chronicle’s Sunday paper and I don’t ever read the newspaper, any newspaper!

The Power of Testimonials for Your Business

When I’ve subscribed to the newspaper before, any newspaper, it eventually ends up going from the driveway to the recycle pile in our house within a week or two. It drives my wife crazy! Like I said, I don’t read the newspaper. I’m more like a subscriber than a reader. It’s not even that I have anything against newspapers in general, except they are super duper expensive to advertise in for what you usually get. The worst paper in the Country to advertise in is “The” paper in Indianapolis. They are the most expensive I have ever seen, but I digress.

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Recommending Bob Sprague’s Blog on Leadership, It’s great stuff for Small Business

July 12, 2012 / by Michael K. Redman

posted in Business Development, Leadership


Bob Sprague has a new blog on Leadership called Personal Clarity, and it’s going to be worth the read. ( Bob is one of those guys I know that teaches about Leadership and truly lives it out. I value his insight. When I was 19 years old he influenced how I thought about Leadership and helped me pursue my journey towards being a better leader. For the last 25 years Bob has served me as a mentor, good friend, comrade in arms, and fellow parent (which is an amazing breeding ground of leadership lessons). Bob knows leadership well. It’s kind of like his pet project only it’s been during his entire adult life so far and maybe longer. Now that I think about it, Bob might have been born with a Leadership book at his side. I wonder if that version had pictures, hmmmmm?

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