Barriers to becoming... - Part 1

August 30, 2008 / by Michael K. Redman


Today I encountered two stories today about the barriers to "Becoming", or said another way, achieving our God given potential.  One of them was a movie my family and I went to go see called "The Longshots" about a the first girl to play at the Pop Warner Football Superbowl.  It was a great reminder of how we all have talents deep within us and sometimes they are in areas we orginally had no interest in. 

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What I really do for people

August 20, 2008 / by Michael K. Redman


I have been thinking about what it is that my wife and I do in our business that is so unique. 

Since we run a marketing and advertising firm some would say that we offer marketing and advertising advice but that seems too simple.  Since I am in marketing I care about the message, the story that is told.  So indulge me if I try and sort out for myself what our story is....what it is we actually offer our clients.

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The transformation of a client

August 20, 2008 / by Michael K. Redman


So what actually happens for our clients when they come through the door?  What is the transformation they go through between the time they inquire if we can help them and the moment they trust us and believe we can help?

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