3 Reasons to Slam the Breaks on Paid Traffic to Your Website

February 12, 2016 / by Paige Gilbert

posted in Paid Advertising, Website Traffic


Do you have an absolutely gorgeous website designed to appeal to the key influencers in your industry, yet you aren’t getting any interest from these people? If you’ve invested in paid advertising, such as Facebook ads, PPC campaigns, or other paid traffic sources and aren’t reaping the benefits, it’s time to slam the breaks on your current strategy and reevaluate before calling it quits.

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3 Ways to Buy Website Traffic to Get New Customers

January 29, 2016 / by Chris Vande Lune

posted in Internet marketing, Paid Advertising, Website Traffic


Buying traffic for your website is more common today than it's ever been. There's also better targeting than ever, along with more and more ways to reach people. While organic search (showing up naturally for free in search engines) may still be ideal, it may not be the only strategy you want to use, since there are limited spots and it can be very competitive. A good way to diversify your traffic sources is to include paid traffic in the mix. Here is a breakdown of 3 ways to buy website traffic for your site.


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