Marketing guru Peter Drucker once said that “the purpose of a business is to create a customer.” Seems like a pretty obvious statement but it is amazing how often we get so busy doing the work that we forget that lead generation, that hallowed search for new customers, is something that we cannot afford to ignore for very long.
12 Lead Generation Techniques to Try in Your Business
June 26, 2013 / by Kathryn Redman
posted in Internet marketing, Lead Generation, Content Marketing
Internet Marketing Tips: Your Content is More Than Words
June 25, 2013 / by Paige Gilbert
posted in Internet marketing, Inbound Marketing, Content Marketing
You know that you are starting to live and breathe internet marketing when you hear a song on the radio that has nothing to do with internet marketing and your brain immediately figures out how to apply it to internet marketing before the second verse.
What Our Dog Taught Me About Designing the Best Landing Pages
June 19, 2013 / by Kathryn Redman
posted in Internet marketing, Lead Generation, Landing Pages
Are dogs or landing pages part of your internet marketing strategy? Our dog Backup became part of our office “staff” in December 2010 when she was just 8 weeks old. It’s true…she’s on the website as part of the team and everything. (
Internet Marketing Tips: Why Mobile Marketing Matters
June 11, 2013 / by Paige Gilbert
posted in Internet marketing, Website Development, Content Marketing
One of the goals of our weekly internet marketing tips is to keep you up to date about what you need to know in the world of internet marketing. There is always something happening. Which means something is always trying to get your attention. Most of us are aware of this because we can’t ignore the constant buzzing or vibrating from that little device in our pockets that gives us unlimited access to the latest information from our social media accounts, emails, text messages and maybe even an actual phone call. Our mobile devices are powerful.
Don’t Be a Spammer! Advice from an Email Marketing Consultant
June 6, 2013 / by Kathryn Redman
posted in Internet marketing, Lead Generation, email marketing
If you are like me, you get a ton of emails every day that you simply delete without ever opening. You wish they never made it past your spam filter if you're honest. I get about five emails a day from folks who are offering to redesign my website for me, make my website show up on page one of Google, or provide email marketing consultant services. Thanks, but I’ve got that taken care of! It is clear that they have never bothered to look at who we are and what we do, so their credibility is shot from the beginning with me. Delete.
Why Use Landing Pages for Internet Marketing?
May 24, 2013 / by Natasha Hawkins
posted in Internet marketing, Landing Pages, Lead Conversion
Landing pages are known by many names, “lead capture page” or a “lander” and even a “conversion page.” These are really all the same thing and when put in plain terms a landing page is a single web page that appears in response to clicking on a search result or online advertisement.
7 Email Marketing Consultant Tips for Your Next Campaign
May 23, 2013 / by Travis Martin
posted in Internet marketing, email marketing
Take a look at your email marketing campaign, does it seem like it’s working? Are you receiving traffic to your website from your email marketing efforts? These are questions you need to be asking yourself to see if you’re wasting your time spending hours trying to write a perfect email paragraph. In this blog I’ll walk through 7 email marketing consultant tips to increase traffic to your website and increase sales. Remember, email is a powerful internet marketing tool if used correctly.
Internet Marketing Tips: Seeing Through the Eyes of Google Glass
May 21, 2013 / by Paige Gilbert
posted in Internet marketing, News
Just over a year ago the world was introduced to Google Glass, an augmented reality pair of glasses that seemed to be something only possible in science fiction. I remember watching the following video and getting a funny feeling deep down inside. I probably brushed it off as bad Chinese food at the time, but now I know that it was the strange feeling of what was once only possibility becoming reality.
Ask, "Why Is Social Media Important" If You Want New Customers
May 20, 2013 / by Michael K. Redman
posted in Internet marketing, small business, Social Media
More than ever before good questions are the life blood of leading a succesful company. One of those questions that you must ask on a regular basis is, "why is social media important for reaching new customers?" Every company wants new customers and every company wants those customers to become loyal customers. Social media is the only place I know of that allows you to listen to people talking about their lives, their likes and their dislikes, unrestricted, without ever having to go anywhere! That is why internet marketing is so powerful when done holistically.
SEO Services for Small Business: 6 Features of a Good Software
May 18, 2013 / by Travis Martin
posted in Internet marketing, small business, SEO
Anyone who has a website or an online business should have some type of SEO tool. This will help you track a variety of different metrics and key components of your site. An SEO tool will help keep an eye on the big picture of your website performance as well as make it easier to manage your internet marketing efforts.