You’re crazy to ask the question, Why Blog because the statistics are overwhelming. Blogging, when done as part of an inbound marketing campaign, produces 4 major results for you and your company.
4 Reasons You’re Crazy to Ask “Why Blog?”
August 5, 2013 / by Michael K. Redman
posted in Internet marketing, Blogging
Internet Marketing Tips: A Press Release Can Have Titanic Results (That Won’t Sink You!)
July 30, 2013 / by Paige Gilbert
posted in Online Public Relations, Internet marketing
When you hear the words “press release” what do you think of? Many of us probably still think of the old school kind of press releases that involved writing up an announcement for your company, sending it out via newswire, and calling up your journalist friends to give them the pitch aka beg them to give you prime newspaper real estate. It doesn’t work that way anymore; at least not in the realm of internet marketing. The online press release in today’s world is just the tip of the iceberg for getting your business noticed online. The key is knowing how to write a press release for an event and what qualifies as an event in the online world.
Internet Marketing Tips: Learn How to Newsjack in 5 Minutes or Less
July 23, 2013 / by Paige Gilbert
posted in Internet marketing, News
What do Sharknados, the Royal Baby, Six Flags, Kanye West and National Ice Cream Day all have in common right now? They are all trending in the news, which means you only have a small window of time to do your newsjacking. Your mission if you choose to accept it is to learn what newsjacking is in the five minutes or less it takes you to read today’s internet marketing tips and then become a newsjacker yourself.
Why Do You Need Lead Generation Techniques?
July 22, 2013 / by Michael K. Redman
posted in Internet marketing, Lead Generation
If you are a smaller company doing your first bit of research regarding lead generation techniques to improve your marketing results and increase sales then you’re in the right place. Let me give you a few basic things to think about as you continue your research. First, it’s important to know what we mean by lead generation techniques.
The Best Landing Pages Use these 6 Simple Techniques
July 12, 2013 / by Natasha Hawkins
posted in Internet marketing, Landing Pages
Landing pages are a fundamental and undeniable part of a successful internet marketing strategy. Think of your landing pages this way, they are the hub, the center, bullseye of your marketing and lead generation efforts. Every offer, PPC ad, and other marketing efforts you use should be directed back to a landing page that is clear, to the point, and can convert visitors into customers. Not sure if you need landing pages for your business? Think again!
Are You Feeling Social Yet? Any Good Internet Marketing Strategy Has a Social Piece!
July 10, 2013 / by Kathryn Redman
posted in Internet marketing, Social Media
So I posted over the weekend all proud of myself that I passed my #Inbound Marketing Certification with HubSpot. I was super excited and now, because I passed with flying colors and I’m worn out from all my studying about internet marketing, content development, blogging, using social media for business, how to create great landing pages, email marketing and market segmentation (just to name a few things) I am going to unabashedly steal (all credit given) some of the data that my HubSpot Professor Rachel Goodman provided in the Social Media piece of things.
Internet Marketing Tips: How to Find the Write Stuff
July 9, 2013 / by Paige Gilbert
posted in Internet marketing, Content Marketing
What do you write about when you don’t know what to write about? Today’s internet marketing tips will help you answer this question. In fact, it’s helping me write my blog today. Yep, I’m asking the same question, what should I write about?
Life’s Too Short to Always Be Working
July 8, 2013 / by Michael K. Redman
posted in Internet marketing
Today’s blog isn’t about social media or search engine optimization or any form of Internet marketing. Today’s blog is just to remind you to stop and smell the roses every once in a while and give thanks for the people in your lives, and the blessings you have. There will always be more work and there will always be too little time to get it done. Marketing seems to be one of those beasts that always wants to be fed and is never full.
5 Things That Scare Us About SEO Services for Small Business (When Done Wrong)
July 6, 2013 / by Travis Martin
posted in Internet marketing, small business, SEO
We all know it to be true. Not everyone has the same morals, values and skill sets, so when it comes to hiring out SEO services for small business you need to make sure you’re aware of what could go wrong. So, we’re here to list a few things you should keep an eye out for when hiring SEO services for small business.
Internet Marketing Tips: How to Use a #Hashtag
July 1, 2013 / by Paige Gilbert
posted in Internet marketing, Social Media
I’ve just recently jumped on the #hashtag bandwagon. I didn’t use them much in the past because to be honest, they were mainly used on Twitter and Twitter just isn’t my personal social medium of choice. Plus, #hashtags were just really #annoying because I didn’t really understand their true purpose. I have been an avid Facebook user since it hit the mainstream though. So, now that there are #facebookhashtags I’m more inclined to use them. Today’s internet marketing tips help explain the #hashtag and its uses.