If you are a smaller company doing your first bit of research regarding lead generation techniques to improve your marketing results and increase sales then you’re in the right place. Let me give you a few basic things to think about as you continue your research. First, it’s important to know what we mean by lead generation techniques.
Why Do You Need Lead Generation Techniques?
July 22, 2013 / by Michael K. Redman
posted in Internet marketing, Lead Generation
Following the Scent: An Essential Part of What Makes a Good Website
July 17, 2013 / by Kathryn Redman
posted in Lead Generation, Website Development
Have you ever been to a website and once you moved from one place to another, you forgot where you were in the first place? We’ve all done it, right? Clicked on a link that led you from one place to another in search of the information you were looking for, but when you get there you are confused. What you thought you would find was not there, and what was there appeared, from your perspective, to be basically unrelated to what you were hoping for.
A Crazy Good Online Software to Increase Website Conversion
July 13, 2013 / by Travis Martin
posted in Lead Generation, Website Development
Wouldn’t it be nice to watch what every customer does on your website and be able to make changes whenever you would like if they aren’t doing what you want them to? In this blog, we’re going to introduce you to an amazing software called Crazy Egg that will help you increase website conversion.
Why Blog? The Numbers, the Numbers, the Numbers!
July 2, 2013 / by Kathryn Redman
posted in Lead Generation, Content Marketing, Blogging
Do you ever wonder if all of this hoopla about blogging is worthwhile? Have you been thinking about blogging, but in reality you just can’t quite answer the “Why Blog” question with enough conviction to move you from theory to action? Well, I just want to take a few short moments to encourage you the best way I know how…with our story.
12 Lead Generation Techniques to Try in Your Business
June 26, 2013 / by Kathryn Redman
posted in Internet marketing, Lead Generation, Content Marketing
Marketing guru Peter Drucker once said that “the purpose of a business is to create a customer.” Seems like a pretty obvious statement but it is amazing how often we get so busy doing the work that we forget that lead generation, that hallowed search for new customers, is something that we cannot afford to ignore for very long.
4 Tips on How to Write a Press Release For An Event
June 22, 2013 / by Travis Martin
posted in Online Public Relations, Lead Generation
So your company or business just did something amazing and you want the world to know about it. So what do you do?
You can write a blog, talk really loud, post a billboard or use some other type of marketing technique. What I’m going to teach you today is how to create one of the most successful pieces of marketing - a press release.
If you’re trying to figure out how to write a press release for an event, you need to keep a few things in mind in order to gain maximum exposure and clicks. So without further due, here they are.
Tip 1: Keyword That Bad Boy
5 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Blog for Business
June 21, 2013 / by Natasha Hawkins
posted in Lead Generation, Content Marketing, Blogging
If your company is thinking about blogging then it is very important that you understand why you should and shouldn't start blogging for business. In all honesty I tried to think of 5 reasons you wouldn't want to blog, and it was hard! Blogging does so much for an internet marketing strategy, and that is one of the reasons we always insist our clients include a blog on their website. Here is our version of 5 reasons why you shouldn't blog for business.
What Our Dog Taught Me About Designing the Best Landing Pages
June 19, 2013 / by Kathryn Redman
posted in Internet marketing, Lead Generation, Landing Pages
Are dogs or landing pages part of your internet marketing strategy? Our dog Backup became part of our office “staff” in December 2010 when she was just 8 weeks old. It’s true…she’s on the website as part of the team and everything. (www.halfabubbleout.com/about-us/our-team).
5 Lead Generation Techniques for Your Blog
June 17, 2013 / by Michael K. Redman
posted in Lead Generation, Content Marketing, Blogging
If you’re looking for some quick lead generation techniques for your blog then here are 5 simple ideas, because when ever you’re doing business online or off you need to find customers. The first step to new customers for your small business is to find the leads to talk to. The next step is to convert more of those leads into paying customers. Inbound Marketing or what some people call it Content Marketing, is really good for helping to find those leads online.
What Makes a Good Website for Your Customers?
June 13, 2013 / by Vicky Zancanella
posted in Lead Generation, Website Development
What a novel question! When designing or redesigning a website do you stop and ask yourself what makes a good website? Or ask what is it that your customers want or need instead of what you want?
Hopefully you ask these questions, but there are many websites out there that beg for this question to be asked.
Here’s a little scenario that happened to me just this week:
My daughter graduated from high school this week on a day where the temperatures rose quite high. We wanted to have good seats for the evening graduation ceremony so I made a deal with her boyfriend. If he saved us seats (3 hours ahead of time in the direct sun, with scorching temps) I would buy him 2 water park tickets for the following week. He agreed and saved us the seats--great seats mind you, and enough for the whole extended family.