If you are working hard to grow your business using internet marketing, your website conversion, and link building traffic from Google, then listen up. For a long time people have been looking for quick fixes to get a better ranking in Google through paid link building. People have also been trying to avoid doing the hard work to make interesting content. Now Google has come up with one more way to enforce their main intent.
Look Out, Google puts teeth in rules about link building services
July 26, 2013 / by Michael K. Redman
posted in SEO, Link Building
How to Add Keywords to A Website Without Looking Like a Chump
July 24, 2013 / by Natasha Hawkins
posted in Website Development, Keywords, SEO
There are many factors that can help your business be found online. One of these important factors is website keywording. When businesses add keywords to a website they are telling Google and other search engines exactly what words and or phrases they want to be found for on Google. Adding keywords to a website is a skill. As a business owner you should be involved in the keywording process, and make sure your SEO agency or webmaster is adding keywords to your site without turning away customers and making your business look like a chump.
5 Things That Scare Us About SEO Services for Small Business (When Done Wrong)
July 6, 2013 / by Travis Martin
posted in Internet marketing, small business, SEO
We all know it to be true. Not everyone has the same morals, values and skill sets, so when it comes to hiring out SEO services for small business you need to make sure you’re aware of what could go wrong. So, we’re here to list a few things you should keep an eye out for when hiring SEO services for small business.
How to Add Keywords to a Website: Do your Research First!!
July 3, 2013 / by Vicky Zancanella
posted in Website Development, Keywords, SEO
Before you do any type of marketing or advertising, you need to know who your potential customers are and no, the answer isn’t someone with a pulse and a pocketbook. Ok, well maybe that’s a good place to start, but to really draw in your ideal customer, you need to speak right to them, speak their language and speak to their needs.
Skip the Pitch: Spot Fake SEO Services for Small Business
June 28, 2013 / by Natasha Hawkins
posted in SEO
Have you hired or are you considering hiring SEO services for small business? If so then there are a few things you should know about SEO and the companies that offer SEO services for small business. Put plainly, we don’t want you to get taken advantage of, and we want to help you make the right choice. Even if we’re not the right choice for you.
12 Questions to ask when hiring SEO Services for Small Business
June 20, 2013 / by Vicky Zancanella
posted in small business, SEO
If you're thinking about hiring an agency to do Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for your small business website, get on it! Many of your competitors have websites that have been optimized and are showing up ahead of you in search results.
Internet Marketing Tips: Learning the Steps to the Google Panda Dance
June 18, 2013 / by Paige Gilbert
posted in Website Development, SEO, News
Last week, the head of Google’s web spam team, Matt Cutts, announced that the Panda algorithm is updated approximately every month, but it’s done slowly throughout the month, like a Google Dance. What the heck does this mean to you? Today’s internet marketing tips post explains.
Johnny Depp (The Pirate) Experiences The Power of How to Add Keywords to A Website
June 15, 2013 / by Travis Martin
posted in Website Development, Keywords, SEO
Disclaimer: this blog is about to be as weird and entertaining as the title. If you’re in need of learning how to add keywords to a website told through a very unique story, then hold on to your cargo and All Aboard! the Keyword Pirate Ship with captain Johnny Depp aka The Pirate! Today we sail to a far away island called KeywordLand.
If You Increase Website Conversion, What’s Going On?
June 10, 2013 / by Michael K. Redman
posted in Website Development, SEO, Lead Conversion
If I were to say, you could increase website conversion, would you know what I meant?
Do you know what happens on your website when a conversion happens? Some people do but most of the time the answer is a hesitant “yes” while defining the term with the word “conversion” included. This would have been a sure fire way to get a red mark on your paper if you were still in high school. (Which my daughter just graduated from so I speak with some assurance). So here is what I want to do. I want to give you a short clarification of what people mean when they say, increase website conversion, so you can be prepared for the conversation and maybe I can even help you improve your website conversion. It’s good stuff, let me show you.
Why is Social Media Important for Your Biz? [Infographic]
June 7, 2013 / by Natasha Hawkins
posted in Content Marketing, SEO, Social Media
Social media has become increasingly important in 2013. There have been a number of updates to the way sites are ranked in Google search results. Google has increased the weight and value of credible, relevant, rich content on websites. The days of paying for links has come to an end, and we are on the rise of content creation.