Facebook Reactions: Dislike Button More Like Emoji Button

February 24, 2016 / by Raquel Royers

posted in Social Media, News


Updated February 24, 2016

Everyone has experienced a time on Facebook when hitting the "Like" button didn't feel quite right. When your friend posts that "Fido lived a good life and he's now in a better place" you don't want to "Like" the post because then if feels like you're "Liking" that Fido has passed. However, you don't want to just comment "Sorry for your loss" like every other person. What's a Facebook user to do?

Announcing Facebook "Reactions," available to users everywhere who want to empathize. Check out how the new "Like" button works in this article excerpt from TechCrunch.

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10 MUST-READ Inbound Marketing Blogs You Should Subscribe to Today

February 15, 2016 / by Chris Vande Lune

posted in Inbound Marketing, Content Marketing


Updated: February 15, 2016

Inbound marketing is, simply put, quite popular these days. If you have any doubt about that just look at HubSpot, a leader in inbound marketing. Founded in 2006, it went public last year, is valued at over 1 billion dollars and has over 15,000 customers. That goes to show the popularity of this approach to marketing. If you are unfamiliar with the definition, read about inbound marketing on our blog. You don’t want to miss out on this massive internet marketing shift.

While all of this is fascinating, we know you really clicked to see our recommendations on blogs, so here are the top 7 inbound marketing blogs we recommend you keep up with:


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3 Easy Ways to Get Website Traffic and Keep It

February 13, 2016 / by Maliah Seavey

posted in Website Traffic

1 Comment

So, you spend countless hours building your company’s website. You map out every detail, and every square inch of your website is functioning beautifully. Now, we know you didn’t put all of that work in for nothing. So how do you get new leads to come (and stay) on your website? 

Here are a few easy and inexpensive ways to get website traffic.

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3 Reasons to Slam the Breaks on Paid Traffic to Your Website

February 12, 2016 / by Paige Gilbert

posted in Paid Advertising, Website Traffic


Do you have an absolutely gorgeous website designed to appeal to the key influencers in your industry, yet you aren’t getting any interest from these people? If you’ve invested in paid advertising, such as Facebook ads, PPC campaigns, or other paid traffic sources and aren’t reaping the benefits, it’s time to slam the breaks on your current strategy and reevaluate before calling it quits.

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How an Inbound Marketing Company Can Help Delight Your Customers

February 3, 2016 / by Dane Johnson

posted in Inbound Marketing, Customer Retention


Perhaps the most important element of the inbound methodology is the final stage: Delight. This is what truly sets the inbound approach apart from traditional sales tactics. Delighting your customer goes a long way for an inbound marketing company’s reputation. Delighting your customer builds trust, which is vital to developing a meaningful, helpful relationship with them.

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Help! My Web Traffic Has Come to a Halt

February 1, 2016 / by Jessica Miley

posted in Internet marketing, Website Traffic


When you're a business owner, keeping up with the changes in technology and the internet can be difficult and time consuming. What do you do when you see that you have a drop in your web traffic? Let’s first go over a few of the different reasons why your website traffic might have seen a turn for the worst.  

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3 Ways to Buy Website Traffic to Get New Customers

January 29, 2016 / by Chris Vande Lune

posted in Internet marketing, Paid Advertising, Website Traffic


Buying traffic for your website is more common today than it's ever been. There's also better targeting than ever, along with more and more ways to reach people. While organic search (showing up naturally for free in search engines) may still be ideal, it may not be the only strategy you want to use, since there are limited spots and it can be very competitive. A good way to diversify your traffic sources is to include paid traffic in the mix. Here is a breakdown of 3 ways to buy website traffic for your site.


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6 Ways to Increase Website Traffic with Social Media

January 27, 2016 / by Maliah Seavey

posted in Social Media


Having a social presence isn’t just important for businesses to have in this modern world, it’s necessary. 

At first, managing social media accounts may seem like a hassle and time consuming. However, if done right, it can help build relationships with your customers and drive website traffic.

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7 Tactics That Teach You How to Increase Website Traffic by Blogging

January 22, 2016 / by Paige Gilbert

posted in Website Development, Content Marketing, Blogging

1 Comment

Let’s start at the beginning. You started a small business. You marketed your small business by developing assets and using traditional tactics such as TV commercials, radio ads, print ads, sponsorships, even a billboard here and there. Then you built a website as the logical next step because that’s what everyone was doing.

It’s a fairly decent website. It’s bringing you some business. You know this because there’s a coupon that people bring in that can only be retrieved from the website, and a contact form that is periodically filled out. Don’t sell yourself short. Your website could be working for you 24/7. Do you know how to increase website traffic? By blogging.

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Why You Should Consider Hiring an Inbound Marketing Consultant In 2016

January 20, 2016 / by Jessica Miley

posted in Inbound Marketing


If you haven’t implemented an inbound marketing strategy to improve your company in 2016, then now is the time! It doesn’t matter if you’re the CEO or the CMO, this blog is for you. I bet there are sales people knocking at your door and flooding your email with different services that they offer to give you the strategy and internet services to help your business. But who do you trust? This is where an inbound marketing consultant can help you.

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