You can write a blog in one hour, but here’s the disclaimer: you have to be writing what you know or at least something you have learned. For example, I couldn’t write a blog about global warming in one hour because I know next to nothing about it, but I could easily write a blog giving you internet marketing tips because it’s what I do day in and day out.
Internet Marketing Tips to Write a Blog Post in One Hour
May 27, 2014 / by Paige Gilbert
posted in Internet marketing, Blogging
Internet Marketing Tips from George Orwell to Help Grow Your Business
May 20, 2014 / by Paige Gilbert
posted in Internet marketing, Blogging
Okay, so the title of this blog post might be a tad misleading, I mean George Orwell has been gone for quite some time now and would have known nothing about the future of marketing, let alone internet marketing. However, a good writer leaves his stamp on history somehow whether it be through their books, essays, speeches, or blogs. The fact that the following essay excerpt from George Orwell can be applied to internet marketing to help grow your business is indeed admirable and evidence of a timeless writer.
Inbound Marketing Benefits: Increased Website Conversion
May 9, 2014 / by Natasha Hawkins
posted in Internet marketing, Inbound Marketing
Are you tired of constantly wishing for more customers? If you’re a small business struggling to stay afloat then you probably don’t even have time or resources to hire a sales team, or search for customers. Don’t worry, we have a secret from the pros: inbound marketing. Inbound marketing activities attract visitors to your business like bees on honey! Rather than your marketing team go looking for them, inbound makes your business easily found and draws customers to your website by producing interesting and engaging content. Not to mention it costs a fraction of traditional marketing like print ads, billboards, and radio.
Amazon Knows Why Social Media is Important
May 7, 2014 / by Team HaBO
posted in Internet marketing, Social Media
Internet Marketing Tips: Keep Your Eye on the Blogging Finish Line
April 29, 2014 / by Paige Gilbert
posted in Internet marketing, Blogging
When you run a race your goal is to cross the finish line. Then what? It’s time to set another goal. If you just started training, your goal might be a 5K. If you ran a half marathon you might be ready to conquer a marathon. Wherever you are in the process of training you track your progress and set attainable goals along the way. You won’t be able to run those 26.2 miles by sprinting each days You must build your endurance. Blogging is kind of like that. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. Here are some internet marketing tips to keep your blogging eye on the finish line.
Matt Cutts: How Google Seperates Popularity From Authority
April 17, 2014 / by Raquel Royers
posted in Internet marketing, SEO
As a business owner you are always thinking about how to be popular with your customers but also have authority in your industry, right? Well it kind of works the same way in the internet world. Which one is better though? Authority or popularity? Which ones does Google consider to be more important? Keep reading to find out!
Internet Marketing Tips for Blog Creation: Flex Your Writing Muscles
April 15, 2014 / by Paige Gilbert
posted in Internet marketing, Blogging
It’s your first day at the gym. You look around trying to decide where to get your burn on. You’re having second thoughts about getting in shape. The Planet Fitness commercial flashes through your mind:
Real Content Creation is The Key to Internet Marketing
April 12, 2014 / by Raquel Royers
posted in Internet marketing, Content Marketing
In today’s competitive world as business owners and professionals in our industry we are always looking for how to get ahead and beat out our competitors, right? Sometimes it completely takes us over and we forget about what’s most important in the internet marketing world: real content.
3 Steps to Protect Your Information from Heartbleed Leak [for Users]
April 11, 2014 / by Natasha Hawkins
posted in Internet marketing, News
Businesses have been made well aware of The Heartbleed Bug, and they should have taken measures to protect you by now. If not then your privacy door is open and your information could be harvested. How can you tell if your favorite site, merchant, or software is protecting you? Most have notified their users and asked them to change their passwords, however some big names are still slacking on protection. If you have not been notified then it is possible the site has not made changes to their SSL, so it is very important that you follow these three steps.
How an Internet Marketing Blogging Strategy Works
April 9, 2014 / by Paige Gilbert
posted in Internet marketing, Blogging
A blog is a core piece of your internet marketing strategy, which works together with other online marketing tools (website, social media, calls-to-action, SEO, etc.) as part of an overall method called inbound marketing. Think of it this way: inbound marketing is the type of workout you’re doing, let’s say it’s CrossFit, and internet marketing is the fitness tools you use - weights, kettle bells, bands, bars, ropes – to work different muscle groups. A blog is one of these components working a large muscle group, let’s say your core, because you need a strong core to support the rest of your fitness efforts and you need a strong blog to support your internet marketing strategy.