Sitting at my local Starbucks and staring at this blank sheet of paper, I realized something. People are so used to hearing what they should and shouldn’t do for marketing and especially internet marketing. They are probably tired of hearing you need to blog, it will do x, y, and z for your business. Blah, Blah, Blah… I don’t want to keep repeating what everyone else is saying, and I want to give you something you can use, or at least relate to.
Stop Asking: Why Blog? Commit & See Results from Blogging
July 29, 2013 / by Natasha Hawkins
posted in Lead Generation, Content Marketing, Blogging
Ask Your Email Marketing Consultant: Is Email Marketing Dead?
July 15, 2013 / by Michael K. Redman
posted in Content Marketing, email marketing, Lead Nurturing
Do you ever wonder if email marketing is still effective or is it dead? The short answer is a resounding NO, it's not dead. Not by a long shot. In today's, “Ask your email marketing consultant” I’m going to give you some food for thought, with hope that you will not only see the value of email but actually decide to use it more.
Internet Marketing Tips: How to Find the Write Stuff
July 9, 2013 / by Paige Gilbert
posted in Internet marketing, Content Marketing
What do you write about when you don’t know what to write about? Today’s internet marketing tips will help you answer this question. In fact, it’s helping me write my blog today. Yep, I’m asking the same question, what should I write about?
Why Blog? The Numbers, the Numbers, the Numbers!
July 2, 2013 / by Kathryn Redman
posted in Lead Generation, Content Marketing, Blogging
Do you ever wonder if all of this hoopla about blogging is worthwhile? Have you been thinking about blogging, but in reality you just can’t quite answer the “Why Blog” question with enough conviction to move you from theory to action? Well, I just want to take a few short moments to encourage you the best way I know how…with our story.
12 Lead Generation Techniques to Try in Your Business
June 26, 2013 / by Kathryn Redman
posted in Internet marketing, Lead Generation, Content Marketing
Marketing guru Peter Drucker once said that “the purpose of a business is to create a customer.” Seems like a pretty obvious statement but it is amazing how often we get so busy doing the work that we forget that lead generation, that hallowed search for new customers, is something that we cannot afford to ignore for very long.
Internet Marketing Tips: Your Content is More Than Words
June 25, 2013 / by Paige Gilbert
posted in Internet marketing, Inbound Marketing, Content Marketing
You know that you are starting to live and breathe internet marketing when you hear a song on the radio that has nothing to do with internet marketing and your brain immediately figures out how to apply it to internet marketing before the second verse.
5 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Blog for Business
June 21, 2013 / by Natasha Hawkins
posted in Lead Generation, Content Marketing, Blogging
If your company is thinking about blogging then it is very important that you understand why you should and shouldn't start blogging for business. In all honesty I tried to think of 5 reasons you wouldn't want to blog, and it was hard! Blogging does so much for an internet marketing strategy, and that is one of the reasons we always insist our clients include a blog on their website. Here is our version of 5 reasons why you shouldn't blog for business.
5 Lead Generation Techniques for Your Blog
June 17, 2013 / by Michael K. Redman
posted in Lead Generation, Content Marketing, Blogging
If you’re looking for some quick lead generation techniques for your blog then here are 5 simple ideas, because when ever you’re doing business online or off you need to find customers. The first step to new customers for your small business is to find the leads to talk to. The next step is to convert more of those leads into paying customers. Inbound Marketing or what some people call it Content Marketing, is really good for helping to find those leads online.
Internet Marketing Tips: Why Mobile Marketing Matters
June 11, 2013 / by Paige Gilbert
posted in Internet marketing, Website Development, Content Marketing
One of the goals of our weekly internet marketing tips is to keep you up to date about what you need to know in the world of internet marketing. There is always something happening. Which means something is always trying to get your attention. Most of us are aware of this because we can’t ignore the constant buzzing or vibrating from that little device in our pockets that gives us unlimited access to the latest information from our social media accounts, emails, text messages and maybe even an actual phone call. Our mobile devices are powerful.
Why is Social Media Important for Your Biz? [Infographic]
June 7, 2013 / by Natasha Hawkins
posted in Content Marketing, SEO, Social Media
Social media has become increasingly important in 2013. There have been a number of updates to the way sites are ranked in Google search results. Google has increased the weight and value of credible, relevant, rich content on websites. The days of paying for links has come to an end, and we are on the rise of content creation.