What do Robin, Jimmy Olsen, Bucky Barnes and HubSpot’s new sales tool have in common? They are great sidekicks that make superheroes the best that they can be. But what does this have to do with you and your inbound marketing strategy? Well HubSpot wants your sales people to be superheroes and what’s better than a sidekick to help them get there. But how do you get that support?
Enter the HubSpot Sales Platform (orange cape, HubSpot sprocket chest symbol, and all)
HubSpot is now rolling out its sales platform that consists of two things; the new HubSpot CRM and Sidekick. Because sidekicks never truly get the attention they deserve, let’s focus on Sidekick and what it can offer your sales team. Sidekick is a tool that evolved from the Signals product that is currently offered in HubSpot. Signals is more like a tool belt and Sidekick is going to be so much more. But how does this help with your inbound marketing strategy?
Sidekick integrates with your inbox and the CRM system to give you updated information and crucial details about your contacts and companies that will not only help your salespeople convert those leads into customers, but help in the nurturing process as well. Believe me, you want this superhero on your team!
Why Should You Care About Your New Sidekick?
- Bam! HubSpot’s Sidekick lives in your browser, so you can have access to details about your contacts and companies that your sales team interacts with. Superheroes’ sidekicks should be accessible at all times.
- Pow! Get real-time notification when your prospects interact with your emails, websites and more. Guess what? You can view those reports to track performance to not only know what works but to show appreciation to your sales team.
- Slap! Send those emails later with your new capability of managing when those emails go out through Gmail in Google Chrome. Now your sales team will have the time to be the superheroes we know they can be because they don’t have to sacrifice that workflow.
We all know that when we were growing up we wanted to be a superhero. But little did you know that you now have the opportunity to turn your sales team into an even stronger force that no villian, ahem I mean competition, will want to recon with. Improve your inbound marketing strategy by checking out HubSpot’s Sidekick today!
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