How to Use Social Media in Your Link Building Services

November 25, 2013 / by Raquel Royers

Link building is hard and is often not the most exciting thing to do when it comes to your socialnetworkslinkbuilding webinternet marketing strategy. Then why not spice it up and use social media in your link building services? It’s fun, social (duh), you can directly aim at your target market and lots of people see it!


We all know the old way of link building where you go to a blog or article and leave a link in the comment section. Well, that’s not as effective anymore and people are wary that you may be spam. For the best results I would encourage most businesses to use link building services on all of the social media platforms, including but not limited to, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ and Pinterest. What social media platforms work best for you depends on what type of business or product you are marketing.


Here are some examples of how to utilize link building services on some of those social media platforms:


Facebook is a natural place to engage with those who have “liked” you (your fans) or even those who haven’t yet.  Posting links is a common practice and the users in that platform are more likely to click on one without hesitation. Use that to your advantage!


Places to post links on:

  • On your own wall as a status
  • On the wall of another company/person who follows you
  • In response to a question or conversation
  • In group pages that appeal to your personas and target audiences


For example if you were an internet marketing company like us here at Half a Bubble Out—Say you come across a link to a blog posted by another company/person/etc., you could comment something like; “Great blog post! We also wrote a blog post about (insert topic here). We agree that (insert what you agree on in the article). We think (offer a piece of advice or tip regarding topic from your own standpoint). Check it out (link to blog post).” 

That’s just one approach you can take. Switch it up. Be natural and have fun. Show that you genuinely want to exchange knowledge and build relationships, not just drop links to fulfill your count for the month.


A great tool to use for link building in Twitter is the advanced search (which is found after clicking on the little toolbar icon at the top of your search results).  In this area you can specify not only what words you want to be found or who is publishing the content but more importantly if they are asking a question and if the post is negative or positive. Bingo! Perfect for link building.


The best thing about Twitter is you can send out a message to thousands without looking like a spammer.




LinkedIn is a great place to gain leads through the link building process. People who use LinkedIn are often more professional and are seeking informative information about what they are interested in.

When using LinkedIn join groups that are relevant to your product/business/target market. In those groups people ask questions knowing that they have professionals who will be able to assist them by offering answers and resources to blogs, studies, etc. Be one of those influencers! It’s a double whammy, you boost your credibility as a professional and you get to utilize your link building services. Booyah!


Tip: Just remember wherever you are posting your links, DO NOT be spammy. Be real and natural. Try to post your link in places where it is actually RELEVANT. If not, people know. Be sure to tailor the format of the messages for each different social media platform.


Also, use social media to build relationships with clients and others in your industry. Do not always post a link back to your site or constantly spit offers or “salesy” stuff. Keep it real and build relationships. Hmm…kind of sounds just like real life. Weird.


Check out this video by the CEO of Moz Rand Fishkin, who explains how to include link building services in your social media strategy:



So now that you know a little bit more about using social media in your link building services, which platform are you going to try first?


Related posts: 

Link Building Services Should Use These 5 Steps (Tutorial) 

4 Principles Link Building Services Should Live By

Topics: Social Media, Link Building

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