How to Choose a Website Design Company: 3 Crucial Questions to Ask

March 29, 2023 / by Team HaBO

First impressions matter. Your website is one of your most important business assets. It should clearly communicate the problem you solve and what you offer while still making Google happy. Choosing the right company to design or redesign your website is a crucial step in establishing a strong online presence. There are important factors to consider when selecting a company to help create an effective website that reflects your values and engages your target audience. You also want to pay attention to the claims the company makes about their process and abilities, as well as review any past websites they’ve designed.

1. Does the company have a marketing background?

One of the most significant aspects to consider when selecting a website design company is if they have a marketing background. Why? Because your website is your online real estate. It’s a reflection of who you are, what you value, and the problems you solve. You want it to present well and marketers have learned how to do this. When a potential client lands on your website, they will decide to stay on your site or leave within three seconds. A company that understands how to express all of this through your messaging essentially is putting a welcome mat at the virtual front door of your company.

At Half a Bubble Out (HaBO), we pride ourselves on being more than just a web design and development company; we're also a marketing agency with a strong technical arm that also creates content. This means that we help clients not only with the technical aspects – like SEO, mobile responsiveness, and the user experience – but also with content creation and messaging. We believe that designing a website is not only about the look and functionality but also about the story it tells.

Telling your story ensures that visitors to your website immediately understand what your company is all about and how you can help them, with the goal to get them to take an action on your site, becoming a lead, client and ultimately a raving fan.

2. What is the company’s technical expertise?

Another important aspect to consider when selecting a website design company is their technical expertise. Are they using a DIY template with limited capabilities like Squarespace or Wix, or something more robust? Are they familiar with essential components like mobile responsiveness, accessibility laws and regulations, security certificates, SEO, website speed and structure?

At HaBO, we use well-established platforms like WordPress and Shopify to ensure that our clients' websites are not only functional but also easy to update and manage.

We believe that clients should be able to handle their website independently once we have completed our work – if they want to. This means that our clients can update, manage, and change their website without requiring a degree in technology or coding. Or if you don’t want to worry about that, we can also create an ongoing contract and do it for you.

3. Is the company experienced and has a good track record?

Finally, it's essential to work with a website design company that has experience and a track record of success to get important website traffic for your business. At HaBO, we've built sites for companies who have been getting results for 20+ years. We’ve worked with clients in many industries and sizes, from startups to established companies. We’ve helped businesses increase their online presence and grow their customer base. Our team has the skills, knowledge, and experience necessary to create a website that not only looks great but also drives results.

Some examples of our work:

Hignell Rentals



Align Pain Management


Victor Family Support Services


When choosing a company to design your website, it's important to consider their marketing background, technical expertise, and experience. At HaBO, we bring all of these elements together to create effective websites that engage visitors and grow your company.

SEE ALSO: How Much Does a New Website or Redesign Cost?

Your marketing is how you tell your story and it touches every area of your business. The first introduction a potential customer has with you, is often your website. When it comes to website design at Half a Bubble Out our job is to make you look as excellent as you really are.

Claims we stand behind:

  • We specialize in telling people's stories.
  • We'll write your website copy so it's compelling and attracts the right people.
  • Our team will work closely with you to create content that effectively communicates your values, offerings, and the problems you solve for your customers.
  • We ask questions about your customer's pain points and develop a clear message that resonates with your target audience.
  • We'll customize a website that fits your needs.
  • We'll build a website that will help you establish credibility.
  • We'll help you stand out in the world and attract your tribe with your website.
  • You'll have fun building a website with us and we won't finish until you love it.
  • We've built sites for companies who have been getting results for 20 years.
  • We are experts at website design and we do more than you think.

Contact us today to learn more about our website design services and how we can help you establish a strong online presence.

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Topics: Lead Generation, Website Development, Grow Your Business

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