Inspiration. It’s an abstract word that comes in many forms. The value from it comes when you motivate your customers to want your product or service and they continue to talk about it. Inspiration is often planned, but many times it comes in the form of spontaneous “aha!” moments. These moments don’t have to come to you through careful consideration, but can happen in your passion and provision company by deciding today to take 3 easy steps to become more inspirational to your customers and have a successful small business.
1. Think About What You’re Saying
Don’t just talk about the facts of your product or service. Make your audience feel something that gives them hope and inspires them to take action. Dove is a brand that does an impressive job of inspiring. Check out the commercial below:
2. Think About How You’re Going to Say It
It’s crucial that you understand your customer. Find out what their attributes are, their attitudes, and their behaviors. Ask yourself, what will inspire people to take action? Instead of just thinking about getting in front of customers through various mediums, start by finding out what motivates people and what resonates with them.
3. Think About Why You’re Saying It
As the mother of an almost-three-year-old girl, the Dove commercial inspires me to do whatever I can to show her what real beauty is, and that it’s not just based on looks. It looks to me like Dove knows its target audience and knows how to influence them. Through an inspirational TV commercial targeted to women, Dove is motivating them to give to its self-esteem fund. The commercial might resonate with someone enough so that they will also buy the Dove brand next time they’re shopping for soap. The why is believing in real beauty.
Great marketing inspires people, it doesn’t just sell something. If you can even just start today thinking through the steps above, you will be setting yourself on the right course to inspiring your customers and having a successful small business. Inspiration isn’t just what you say, it’s the attitude you say it with and what it motivates people to do.
If you’d like help creating your inspirational message, contact us at Half a Bubble Out today. We’re a passion and provision company and we’re ready to help right now.
Since 2002, Half a Bubble Out has been dedicated to providing marketing, advertising and small business consulting that meet the needs of our clients. We specialize in powerfully telling stories through Inbound Marketing to grow your business filled with more passion and provision. Based in Chico California, we serve clients throughout Northern California and across the country to New York.