Social Media 101: Twitter for Business

May 8, 2014 / by Raquel Royers

twitter birdMany business owners or managers, much like yourself, acknowledge the fact that social media is present and frequently used in businesses. However, only a majority of those people actually realize the extent of how much social media can help your business when it is used as social media marketing in your internet marketing strategy.

Social media is no different than the rest of your marketing strategy. This is the biggest mistake some people make; they treat it like it’s not an important aspect of their strategy therefore they have no plan in place and allow for an employee to manage it who often does not understand how to use it for business marketing. Yes, they may be the best “Facebooker” you know but there’s a big difference from posting pictures of your children to marketing a business socially.

In my opinion the social networking site that continues to be the most beneficial for businesses marketing their services or products will continue to be Twitter. Twitter can be a scary idea for many because it’s not as familiar as Facebook is. However, it’s where you will get the best bang for your buck.

In this day and age where everyone thinks they are a social media professional (oops did I just say that out loud!) it’s hard to find people who really know what they are talking about. Pam Moore is one of those people who actually knows her stuff! If you’re trying to learn more about social media marketing or are just trying to set up a social media account, I highly suggest you check out her blog. But, since we are on the subject of Twitter, check out this recent blog post she wrote about how to start a Twitter account, create a presence and continue to grow your followers. This is the good stuff, folks!

Below I’ve shared just a few of the tips that she offers, however I highly suggest you continue on by clicking the link to read her entire post. She makes some really great suggestions.

A few of my favorite tips include:

  • Not every tweet has to be perfect
  • Be human. Be real!
  • Don’t be boring. Share new content.
  • Join in on conversations.
  • Be patient.


22 Tips to Get the Twitter Conversation Started and Rockin’

Posted by Pam Moore, The Marketing Nut

1. Have a plan. You must have a purpose. WHY are you using social media? Is it to meet new people? Develop or increase your online brand presence? Grow your business? Nurture relationships? Research your market? Find products to purchase? If you lack purpose you will likely wind up doing nothing but random acts of marketing (RAMs) and tweeting. RAMs will eat every last dollar you have and will keep you from ever achieving a personal or professional ROI from your efforts using social media. Read-> 9 Tips to Stomp Random Acts of Marketing (RAMs)


2. Be confident. Before you even get started please remember there was a time that we all sent our first tweet. We all at one time only had one, two or 100 followers. Don’t focus on just the tools and tech but focus on how you can leverage it. Read-> How to Tweet Like a Boss


3. Take time to setup your personal profile correctly. Download our free Twitter Persona Worksheet here. Remove the default Twitter egg avatar. Add your smiling face so people can see the real you. Spend some time in the Twitter interface to familiarize yourself with the settings. Be sure to enter your bio and url where people can further connect with you.


4. Be Human! Remember there is a human being behind every avatar and profile you see. Bottom line, be human. Don’t think, speak or tweet like a robot. Read ->22 Tips to Humanize Your Brand using Twitter

[Continue reading original article: 22 Tips to Get the Twitter Conversation Started and Rockin’

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