A Site Makeover is Your Quick Fix to Increase Website Conversion

February 17, 2014 / by Raquel Royers

increase website conversionYou’ve had your website up for awhile now and you think it’s a pretty good one. You have all the basics, it’s simple to navigate and you’ve had good success with leads. However, lately something just isn’t right. People aren’t visiting it like they used to and your conversion is down. How long has it been since you’ve updated your website? A simple fix to a problem like this may be to update your website. Keep reading to learn how a quick makeover may be the answer to increase website conversion.

Time goes by so fast in general but when it comes to the internet things can change within the blink of an eye. This is why you need to constantly be updating your website and not forget about it. After all, it is like a 24-hour employee. Take advantage of that and make sure to make a good impression!

Here’s 7 questions to ask yourself when looking through your website:

1. Are your offers up to date?

It’s important to have all of your content relevant and timely to what’s going on in your specific industry. If someone downloads one of your offers you want that information to be valuable and helpful to them. If it is old and outdated it is no longer useful to them and also shows that your business is either a.) Behind on times or B.) Hasn’t updated your website and it’s content for some time.

2. Do you have form submissions for those offers?

Are you giving away a downloadable piece of information and not requiring someone to give you any of their information to get it? Uh oh, let’s change that. Having submission forms on your website will play a huge part in increasing website conversion. When people start giving you their information, name, email, website, etc., you have a way to learn more about them, contact them and file them in as a lead—watching their conversion progress.

3. Are you blogging consistently?

Make sure that you are blogging consistently, we suggest to all of our clients to blog at least twice a week. We personally blog five times a week. It’s a great way to get noticed on the web, boosts your SEO and show website visitors that you’re up to date with what’s going on and want to offer helpful information.

4. Are you social?

Make sure you have social media icons on your site for your website visitors to connect with you socially. Give your brand a voice and allow for conversations with customers.

You also want to make sure you have social media sharing icons next to your blog posts and on your offer’s landing pages. Depending on your industry you may also have them on additional aspects like your images. When you’re looking at your website ask yourself the question, “If I wanted to share this right now, could I do it easily?” The answer should be yes because hopefully you have social sharing tools set up. If not, get to it!

5. Is your site optimized for mobile?

Many people will be coming to your website via a mobile device, whether it be a phone, tablet or so on—your website needs to be optimized for those users. If it’s difficult to navigate on a mobile device those users will leave and find another site that works better. Having an easily accessible website for all types of users will only help to increase your website conversion.

6. Is your site slow?

Now, we guarantee that you have come across a website that is suuupppeerrr slow, you get frustrated and end up leaving, right? So, why would it be any different for your own website. Well, yes we tend to pay less attention to our own businesses website so a lot of times things like that creep up on you. Take the time to go check often.

Studies show that 40% of average online shoppers will leave your site after three seconds. Whew! That’s brutal. So, you better have a fast loading webpage and catch them in that two second window. (HubSpot)

7. Is your content out-dated?

I know we’ve already talked about having your offers up to date but this also goes for all your content. Make sure your experiences, services you offer, about us page, pricing and testimonials are all still timely and relevant. 

Go check out your website now. We know you’re itching to give it a makeover after reading this, and if you want to consider having us help you increase website conversion, contact us for a free consultation.

Topics: Website Development, Lead Conversion

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