Why is Social Media Important: Best and Worst Times to Post on LinkedIn

August 9, 2013 / by Travis Martin

LinkedIn logoWelcome business owners! Are you asking yourself, why is social media important to my internet marketing strategy? If so, stick around for this blog!

Today we’re talking about LinkedIn and focusing on the role it plays in social media. By the end of this blog you will learn what the best and worst times are to post on LinkedIn during the day and week.

LinkedIn is best known for its powerful business to business platform. Although it is not the largest social media platform companies are able to communicate with other professionals in different fields of business. One of the reasons why social media is important when it comes to LinkedIn is because it’s probably one of the best platforms for B2B marketing for a couple of reasons:

  1. You are able to promote ads on LinkedIn that can be targeted to a very specific audience or business niche.
  2. People are expecting to make relationships with other businesses so it makes for a great platform to meet other businesses and have other businesses find you.

It’s all about building connections and communicating with others, and without the proper knowledge of how to communicate properly and on time, I can bet your marketing efforts on LinkedIn are not looking so great.

Best and Worst Posting Times

In the infographic below you will notice two columns. On the left you will see the best times and days to post on LinkedIn and on the right you will see the worst days and times to post. Study this infographic and see if you are following these tips in your social media practices.

Linkedin Infographic Final resized 600

Understanding LinkedIn

Now that you have a good idea of when to post content on LinkedIn, let’s take a look at and see how it can help your business and internet marketing efforts. In the following video you will be walked though a tutorial of LinkedIn and how it works.

Best Posting Practices on LinkedIn

Many people ask why is social media important without doing the proper research to find out for themselves.

So now that you have a good idea of how LinkedIn works and how LinkedIn can help your business grow, let’s talk about best posting practices. You can have a post go out at the perfect time during the day but if it isn’t engaging and targeted you are wasting precious time with a weak update.

Below is text taken from LinkedIn that gives you a guide of what the best LinkedIn posts look like.

We recommend that Company Updates stay authentic, relevant, and short. The better your content, the greater the chance it goes viral through likes, shares, and comments. Posts that feel like spam will not get shared and, in fact, could result in your business losing followers.

  • Posts that LinkedIn finds to be offensive or inappropriate could result in the deletion of the Company Page.
  • Businesses that post updates excessively are subject to review by LinkedIn and could risk having their page deleted. 

Put it Into Action!

Now that you are equipped with the knowledge to begin making killer LinkedIn posts at the right time, give it a shot. Remember to connect with others and reach out to fellow colleagues as well.

Enjoy discovering the power of LinkedIn and what it can do for your internet marketing strategy!

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Topics: Social Media

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