Social Media Stats Every Successful Small Business Should Know

October 6, 2014 / by Raquel Royers

464847849As a business owner or marketing coordinator for your business you know by now that it’s crucial to have a social media presence for your business or brand. Almost everyone and their mother (literally, grandma too) are on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. As a business you should be taking advantage of this!

But what the heck are all of those people doing on these social networks anyway? Aren’t they just for chatting between friends and sharing silly meme’s?

The answer is no! They are networks where people are talking about businesses, sharing their ideas, writing reviews and interacting/engaging with companies. Social networks are no longer just a place where people go to talk with their friends and play silly games. Even though, yes, that still happens too.

I stumbled upon this blog that shows statistics of what people are actually doing when they are on social networks. Some of these stats are critical to pay attention to, such as how people share recommendations of things they like and sharing links on their friend’s pages. Check it out!

What People Like to Share on Social Networks 

Posted by Business 2 Community

  • 43% Pictures
  • 26% Opinions
  • 26% Status Update of what and how they are doing
  • 26% Links to articles
  • 25% Personal recommendations of things they like
  • 22% News items
  • 21% Links to other websites
  • 21% Links to other people’s posts
  • 19% Status update of what they are feeling
  • 17% Video clips
  • 9% Plans for future activities, trips and updates

The Social Media Strategy Takeaway: Nearly one year ago, Facebook users were uploading 350 million photos per day to Facebook, according to (via Business Insider). That’s not including Instagram. And that figure is a year old – a time during which Facebook has only continued to grow. Instead of posting your content as a link, try posting a photo with a link in the caption. Traditionally, photos have been known to perform better than links on Facebook – though the rules have changed.

Why Do People Share on Social Networks?

  • 84% Share because it is a way to support causes or issues they care about.
  • 78% Share information online because it lets them stay connected to people they may not otherwise stay in touch with.
  • 73% Share information because it helps them connect with others who share their interests.
  • 69% Share information because it allows them to feel more involved in the world.
  • 68% Share to give people a better sense of who they are and what they care about.
  • 49% Share information on products they like with a hope to change opinions or encourage action. 

The Social Media Strategy Takeaway: When posting content to Facebook, take a strategic perspective, and ask yourself, “Why would someone want to ‘like’ or ‘share’ this post with a friend via Timeline?” One approach to determining the potential value of your post would be to start at the top of this list, and aim for the majority of your content to fit into the ‘why’ criteria in the top half of the above list.

Read the original article: [What and Why People Share on Social Media]

If seeing some of those stats doesn't make you want to have your business on social media, or ramp up your social media marketing then I don’t know what will! Need help implementing social media strategies for your business? No problem! That’s one of our specialties here at Half a Bubble Out and we would be happy to chat with you about how we can help you have a successful small business.

Meanwhile, check out this cool infograhpic from Go-Gulf:



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