Get in the Green! It’s Never Too Late to Execute Organic SEO Services

May 12, 2015 / by Paige Gilbert

SEO_GrowthOrganic is somewhat of a buzzword these days, most often associated with the latest trend turned lifestyle of eating natural, healthy, pesticide-free food – but it actually applies to your internet marketing strategy too. It’s never too late to change your lifestyle and it’s never too late to start utilizing organic SEO services to keep your business in the green.

What is organic SEO?

Organic SEO (search engine optimization) is the process of naturally improving where your company website ranks on the search engine result pages (SERPs). The flipside would be paid traffic, such as Pay Per Click ads (PPC) where you pay to show up as an ad on the SERPs.

Why should you care?

When 81% of shoppers conduct online research before buying a product or service (Social Times 2014), you want them to see the product or service your company is offering.  

A new click through rate study showed that on average, 71.33% of searches resulted in a page one Google organic click. Page two and three get only 5.59% of the clicks.

This is where organic SEO services come in. If you know what consumers are searching for and the key words or phrases they are typing into the search engines, then you can form an SEO strategy to help you get in front of the people searching.

How do you use organic SEO services?

A successful SEO campaign is a science and can be affordable. When done right, it can bring quality traffic to your website, whether you have a brand new site or have had your site for years. Some techniques include:

  • Keyword research – identifying the primary words and phrases your audience is using when searching online for products or services related to your business, and choosing target words that you actually have the possibility of ranking for.
  • Content development – using the words and phrases you identified to create helpful, quality content that will provide value to someone who is searching for that information.
  • On page optimization – conducting an audit of your website and improving each page by using relevant keywords and other techniques to get you noticed by the search engines.

It’s tempting to want to start all these things today and expect to see quick results, however, it’s crucial that there is a clear cut strategy in place, and to understand upfront that it will take time and patience to see the results you’re hoping for.

It is possible to overdo it when it comes to SEO, which is why you should consider using an inbound marketing agency that provides SEO services.

If you’re ready to talk SEO, contact us at Half a Bubble Out – we’re ready to help grow your business.

Contact us today to see how we can help

Since 2002, Half a Bubble Out has been dedicated to providing marketing, advertising and small business consulting that meet the needs of our clients. We specialize in powerfully telling stories through inbound marketing to grow your business filled with more passion and provision. Based in Chico California, we serve clients throughout Northern California and across the country to New York.

Topics: Lead Generation, Website Development, SEO

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