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A Proven Inbound Marketing Strategy That Converts Visitors to Leads

Written by Raquel Royers | October 22, 2014

Are you looking for a way to convert more website visitors into leads? Did you know that there is a marketing strategy that can do just that and help to grow your small business? This strategy is called inbound marketing. Here are five ways that inbound marketing can help to grow your small business, bring you new leads and build a more successful passion and provision company. 

Only about 22 percent of businesses are satisfied with their website conversion rates. If you don’t want to be a part of that statistic, it’s time to make a change.

We know that it’s difficult to capture and nurture leads throughout the buyer’s journey, especially if there is no strategy implemented. Inbound marketing is ideal for converting visitors into leads, due to the set of tools and different pieces that are within the system.

Before we start, keep this statistic in mind: Inbound marketing delivers 54 percent more leads into the marketing funnel than traditional outbound marketing does. (Big Presence

Attract Leads with Calls-to-Action

When a visitor comes to your website, what gets them to stay there and potentially become a lead? Call-to-action buttons. Call-to-action buttons are going to work as your virtual salesperson, 24/7. Essentially they are buttons that grab your website visitor and entice them with an offer such as a tip sheet, ebook, guide, checklist, etc.

These call-to-action buttons offer something that is helpful to your website visitor, and are meant to be clicked on, which then leads them to a landing page. 

Offer Helpful Free Content on Landing Pages 

A landing page is where the offer you are suggesting is explained in more detail.

Having a landing page will allow you to build trust with your visitors/leads and let them know that you want to educate them and care about their journey through the buying process. The landing page will describe what exactly the offer is that they will receive and why it’s beneficial to them.

Capture Lead Information With Forms

On that landing page you then have a form so that your leads can enter in their information to receive the free offer. Having them do this allows you to receive information about them such as name, email address, city they live in, business, etc. The information you receive can get as detailed  as you'd like - down to their Twitter handle, their age, occupation, questions they have, etc.

Each of those three pieces of the inbound marketing system allow for you to:

Be Helpful

Having educational/helpful material available about your service, product, etc. for your potential customer will show them that you are the expert in whatever it is that you are selling. It will not only help to build credibility for your own brand but will also make your lead a more educated buyer. In turn, they ideally will be a more qualified lead, which will make the conversion process much easier.

Build Trust

The conversion process in an inbound marketing strategy is all about capturing and nurturing your leads through the buyer’s journey. It’s all about establishing trust by helping them through the process, making it as easy as possible, and being helpful. 

Inbound marketing allows people to not feel like they are being marketed to. This is because the content that you are providing them is helpful and is the information they are looking for in their quest for a product or service. When you are helpful you are more likely to get leads and customers who appreciate what you are doing for them. When really, you are reaping the benefits as well.

If you need help implementing an inbound marketing strategy to help grow a successful passion and provision company, we can help! Half a Bubble Out helps businesses throughout Northern California in the Chico, Redding and Sacramento areas. 

To learn more about hiring an inbound marketing agency to help implement your strategy, download the free offer below!

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