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Connect with Customers On a Personal Level Through Social Media

Written by Raquel Royers | May 26, 2014

Do you want to connect with your customers on a more personal level? Do you want to show them that you genuinely care about what they think and feel? Well, this is why social media is an important part of your internet marketing strategy! Social media is your stepping stone to becoming more connected with your customers and potential customers. If this is what you want as a business (I don’t know who wouldn’t) keep reading!

Now you can’t just have a Facebook and Twitter page and call it good. There are some steps that you need to take to be on your way to becoming more connected with your customers and fans.

Company Culture

Don’t be afraid to let people into what happens on the inside of your business or company. People love this! Here’s a little story for you about us here at Half a Bubble Out. We take full advantage of this part of our social media. We even have a mascot, who just so happens to be our office dog, whose name is Backup.

We follow Backup through her days of lounging, greeting mailmen and doing silly things—and we post them on social media. In fact, I think they may like the dog more than they like us—the “likes” on Facebook support that! Jokes aside, this is definitely something you should try! People love it!



Why? Because they feel like they are more connected with us as a company. They feel like they are getting a glimpse into the inside of what goes on in the HaBO office. We also share photos and updates of what our owners are doing (i.e. cool conferences they are going to, vacations to see clients, holiday parties, employee’s birthdays, neat things we are doing for clients, silly photos or things that happen in the office, etc.)



This gives them a sense of what we are like as a team. This also allows them to see that we are a pretty awesome team and business. Now I don’t know about you, but I’m more apt to follow a business on Facebook or Twitter if they are posting good content but then on top of that they seem like they treat their employees well and they have fun!

Want to see what we mean? Although we already shared some examples here check out our Facebook page by clicking here to see more! Plus, you have to go see how cute Backup is in all her pictures!

Some businesses that also do a great job of this are:


Sierra Nevada Brewing Company



Brendan & Brendan


I’ve linked them to their actual websites but I would encourage you to click on their social icon links and see how showcasing their company culture and encouraging fan engagement is a big part of their social media strategy. Bravo to them!


Ok, while showing what you are doing in the office and what your business is all about is great, that can’t be everything. Talk about them, your fans, your followers, fellow industry professionals and companies, your friends! Ask them for their opinions, experiences and input. Why? This creates engagement. This is important for having your social media strategy be successful.

If you want to connect more with your customers and potential customers social media is the answer. Social media helps a business create a following, a bond and to continue to grow already established relationships.

What business page do you think does a good job of utilizing social media to connect with their fans or followers? What in particular do they do that makes them so successful?

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