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What if You Started Investing in Small Business Digital Marketing Now?

Written by Paige Gilbert | October 20, 2015

Digital marketing is an umbrella term for using online technologies to promote your brand, reach the audience searching for your products and services, and convert them to leads and customers. The goal is to increase your sales using various techniques. What would happen if you started investing in small business digital marketing right now?

1. You Could Reach the Right People


Digital marketing techniques help your small business show up on the digital screen in front of people who are searching for what you have to offer. Using SEO (search engine optimization), keyword research, content marketing, social media, paid ads, and other marketing channels would help you reach the potential customers you want and guide them to your website.


2.  You Could Engage With Your Audience


Once you determine who your audience is, small business digital marketing techniques give you the ability to interact with them by connecting and engaging on the social media platforms best suited for your business. Paying attention to their likes, dislikes, the questions they’re asking, and their topics of interest will help you create content that is appealing to them. If it’s actually interesting and helpful content that speaks to their needs, they’ll keep you in mind when they need more.


3. You Could Measure Your Efforts


Traditional marketing is tough to measure. It’s hard to determine how many people saw your billboard or heard your radio commercial and directly associate that with a customer. There are some effective and efficient small business digital marketing tools available that can show you just how many visits your website is getting, the actions these visitors are taking, and if they are returning.


You can discover how they’re finding your business (organically, direct traffic, social media, referrals, email marketing, etc.), how many of your visitors are becoming a lead, and how many of those leads are becoming customers. Then you can figure out what’s working and what isn’t and shift your strategy to improve your results.


“Digital marketing (and customer service) are growing… Companies spent, on average, 25% of total marketing budgets on digital in 2014. But that figure is projected to jump to 75% within the next five years. And while less than a third of customer service interactions took place online last year, volume is expected to grow 53% this year.” (Business 2 Community)


Investing in small business digital marketing will not only help you get more customers, it will help you get the right customers because it’s targeted, interactive, and measurable.


If you’re ready to learn more about digital marketing, download the free eBook below, or contact us today speak with a digital marketing specialist.


Since 2002, Half a Bubble Out has been dedicated to providing marketing, advertising, and small business consulting that meet the needs of our clients. We specialize in powerfully telling stories through inbound marketing to grow your business filled with more passion and provision. Based in Chico California, we serve clients throughout Northern California and across the country to New York