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Understanding the Roller Coaster That is Company Culture

Written by Jessica Miley | November 23, 2015

As quality becomes more important for hiring within all industries, company culture is also increasing in necessity not only for the employer, but for the job seeker as well. The culture can shift drastically in many cases for the better or the worst. This can include clashes in values or even change in employee morale. But first let’s start with the basics: What is this company culture that we speak of?

What is Company Culture?

Company culture is more than having a ping pong table. Company culture unites all employees to create a sense of purpose within the workplace. There are several factors that can create or change culture. These include: company vision, values, norms, systems, symbols, language, assumptions, beliefs, and habits. When you have a perfect blend of these you're able to have magic within your business. Read this article by Entrepreneur to get a few examples of business that have great company culture.

Here at Half a Bubble Out, we understand the value of company culture and the impact it has on the way we conduct business on a daily basis. We have our own set of beliefs, assumptions, languages and visions that help us successfully work with each other, our vendors, our clients, and our community. Culture is important to Michael and Kathryn (owners and principals of the company) and they keep a healthy company culture a top priority.

When Does Company Culture Shift?

There are many reasons why a near-perfect work environment shifts. It could be gaining a huge client that changes the workload and expectations or even a new rule in the office that has been implemented.

A change that we're experiencing currently is in the form of changes in our staff. Raquel (our previous social media manager) moved out of town and is now following her marketing dreams within the wine industry. Because this beloved employee brought so much to the table, we are feeling the loss with increased workloads but also miss her sassy and sweet personality!

As we have been in the process of trying to hire a replacement for that position, we are realizing how important it is to keep our company culture in mind. It's crucial for you to hire new employees to fit your company’s culture. Does your business consider how well a new hire will fit into your culture when you hire? You may think this is just a fad that won’t outlive the life of your company. At Half a Bubble Out we view it as a cornerstone of our company.

If you have the desire to start a passion and provision company that focuses on culture and you just don’t know where to start, then contact us at Half a Bubble Out. We provide business consulting that can take your business to the next level!  

Since 2002, Half a Bubble Out has been dedicated to providing marketing, advertising, and small business consulting that meet the needs of our clients. We specialize in powerfully telling stories through Inbound Marketing to grow your business filled with more passion and provision. Based in Chico California, we serve clients throughout Northern California and across the country to New York.