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THIS is What Ranks #1 on My List of Things I’m Thankful for This Year

Written by Michael K. Redman | November 27, 2014

I love my job, the people I work with and how blessed we are at Half a Bubble Out. As I sit down to write this “T-Day” Blog I find myself excited and even more peaceful than in years past.

Every year Thanksgiving comes around and every year I find new things to be thankful for. This year I find myself thinking about the people I work with, especially since we have been talking a lot about Passion and Provision on the blog lately.

When I was young I spent a lot of time working different jobs. Some I liked and some I didn’t. The distinguishing factor was usually if the people I worked with, and worked for, were both kind and had a good work ethic. It was surprising that when I liked the people and the actual work, I did a better job. I wish I had the kind of work ethic that allowed me to work my best no matter what the situation but that’s not realistic. That is why Kathryn, my wife and business partner, and I have spent some much time investing in hiring the right people and then creating a culture that people enjoy and that inspires great work.

After several years of learning, making mistakes and then learning from them, we have an amazing culture.  THIS is what ranks #1 on my list of things I’m thankful for this year.

I just stepped away from this blog to do a quick, unscientific survey of our entire staff.  I asked them two questions.  (P.S. these are the two most important questions you can ask in any survey you do. I have proof!)

  1. On a scale of 1 to 10 how much do you enjoy working at HaBO?
  2. Give me the biggest reason why.

I did not coerce them or intimidate them in any way. They all gave me between a 9 or a 10 including Kathryn. They said things like:

“I wake up looking forward to going to work”
“The Culture and the people I work with”
“I get to do what I’ve always wanted to do and get paid for it”

But my favorite was my wife’s. Today her score is a 9 and only because her desk is full of stuff and she is feeling a bit overwhelmed. When her to do list is under control her score is a 10 also.

How do you improve on that? You improve on it by protecting it and nurturing it.

Good things are rarely easy and they must always be protected or they can disappear when you’re not watching. 

I am so thankful for where I work and who I work for. It makes my days more enjoyable and my nights more restful since I’m not up stressing about the next day… most of the time.

What are you grateful for at work and then in the rest of your life?

By the way, some of you may be asking what the other things on my list are that I’m thankful for so here are my top 7:

  1. The people I work with and the work I do
  2. My smoking hot wife
  3. Having my amazing daughter home for the holidays
  4. The laughter in my home
  5. A supportive group of friends that value being real
  6. My home church
  7. Being part of the Chico Rotary Club and all the giving people I know there

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and don’t forget to share with someone what you’re thankful for!