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How to Market Your Business On Facebook & Knock Your Fans’ Socks Off

Written by Raquel Royers | July 28, 2014

You’re scrolling through your Facebook news feed. Scroll, scroll, boring, scroll, ‘like’, scrolling, ew, scroll, comment, pause, scroll. Thirty minutes later you exit and go back to work. Does this about sum up what your Facebook experience is like? So what is it exactly that makes you stop on that one page or advertisement and decide to like the page, status or engage with the post?

You’re probably now thinking Facebook is dead. What’s the point at even trying to learn how to market your business on Facebook anymore? Yes, you are partly right. While Facebook may no longer be your number one focus when it comes to your social media strategy, it can still be a successful medium for your business if you use it correctly.

Yes, it’s going to take work—and more creativity than it used to.

Don’t stop using something just because some articles are telling you it’s no longer the cool thing. What you need to do it switch up your plan and implementation and find a way that works for you and your business. There are plenty of other businesses that have done just that.

Take a look at some of these businesses that have it going on and know what they are doing when it comes to marketing on Facebook. First we’ll look at a business that’s in Texas, but then move onto local (Chico) businesses.


The Lace Cactus


A couple scrolls on this page and you’re either going to love it or hate it. The women who run this page for a boutique clothing store in Texas definitely know their target audience and stick to it, with true Texan style.

While they have a storefront in Texas they use their Facebook page to sell clothes to people online—skipping the need for a website and e-commerce set up. A very interesting concept. Even more interesting that Facebook allows this. But, somehow, it works really well!


Dutch Bros Chico!


Who doesn’t love the Dutch crew? Their team is always super bubbly, friendly and fun at their actual locations so why would we expect anything different on their social media?

The team behind the Dutch Bros. Chico Facebook page does a great job at supporting community fundraisers and staying true to Chicoans. They also offer a lot of secret codes if you’re a Facebook follower and are always giving away cool stuff! Oh and we can’t forget about the epic Yeti pictures lately. Keep those coming!


Image Source: Dutch Bros


The Hunter & The Farmer


The owners of this business do an amazing job on their Facebook, as well as making everyone salivate as soon as you scroll through one of their posts! Geez, their food looks yummy and trust me it tastes even better! The team behind Hunter and the Farmer post pictures of their specials almost daily and update people on where they will be parked since they are constantly on the go [they’re a local food truck that serves paleo style food].

It doesn’t stop there! On top of being awesome at posting their food, they interact with their customers and show that they truly care! They post about supporting local events and really highlight things going on in the Chico community. Hunter and the Farmer for the win! Ok, I’m hungry now. Taco smash supreme, I’m coming for you!


Some other awesome local Facebook pages that deserve a mention:

Now that you see there are businesses that are still seeing success from marketing on Facebook, can you believe you were thinking of giving up on this platform all together? Facebook hasn’t seen its last days quite yet and you need to help prove that now! Go make your business's Facebook page all that it can be and start knocking your fans’ socks off with those amazing posts!

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