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The Best Landing Pages: 5 Reasons You Need Them!

Written by Vicky Zancanella | April 3, 2014

Landing pages are typically not a general informational page on your website. The best lanidng pages are those pages on your website with a single focus and a single objective for the visitor. 

For example, a website homepage is usually designed with a general purpose in mind. It is the “face” of the website and can share the values of your business, what services your company offers, links to all kinds of resources and navigation to the rest of your site. It is the portal that opens into a new world!

According to MarketingSherpa's Landing Page Handbook (2nd edition), 44% of clicks for B2B companies are directed to the business' homepage, not a special landing page. For a marketer, it is crazy to think that so many visitors are being directed to a page that holds so many options (too many options)!

The best landing pages, on the other hand, are a door into a very specific solution or offering. Their job is to focus in the visitor on an offering that gives provides a benefit and encourages the visitor to take an action, instead of just “visiting.”

The best landing pages are typically without navigation or links that can be distracting. The content is focused on ONE subject, with ONE solution. When your visitor walks through the door, they have found exactly what they are looking for and there are no distractions.


There are many reason why you should be using specific landing pages on your company website, but here are 5 reasons why you need the best landing pages:


1. Heart and Soul of Inbound Marketing!

Inbound Marketing is all about providing resources and services that people are searching for so that they come IN to your website and you don’t have to go OUT and hook them in. As more and more content is created in your Inbound Marketing campaigns, you are offering more free downloads, eBooks, videos, whitepapers, checklists, webinars, and ways to connect with your visitors. Landing pages are the place you want to put this content-creating a separate landing page for each offering.

2. Give a single focus for the visitor.

We are all easily distracted.

"LOOK! A squirrel!"

Or more likely since you are online-

"LOOK! A popup, a link to click… ooh, look at that"

…and on and on….

Landing pages give you the opportunity to focus your visitors on one objective. It allows you (like a parent talking to a distracted child) to grab your visitor’s face between your two hands and say “Look me in the eye and listen to what I am saying. This how we can help you. Do this_____.” 

3. Separate out your services

If your company offers multiple services or products, a very effective way generate leads for those services are to make a specific landing page for each service. ESPECIALLY if you are using any type of pay per click ads, directing the paid traffic from those ads, to a landing page specific to the content in the ad is the best way to increase conversions on the paid traffic. Don’t let your dollars go to waste!

4. Better user experience

Have you ever clicked on link and was taken somewhere you didn’t intend to go? It happens quite frequently, unfortunately. If you “advertise” or make an offer and direct your visitors to a page that has 5 different offers, it can be very frustrating and confusing to the visitors. They will be more likely to bounce off your site than to stay.

Make it easy and clear for your visitors. They will stay because it is easy to find what they are looking for. And when they stay, they are more likely to become a lead and possibly a customer.

5. Easy to Generate Leads

The best landing pages are a very easy way to generate leads because you include a form for them to fill out and leave their information with you. When you collect email addresses, you can then build relationship with these leads. If your business isn’t collecting leads from your website, please consider creating landing pages with forms.

Consider creating more than just a few of these because studies show that when companies increase the number of landing pages on their website from just a few up to 10-15 pages, they see a 55% increase in leads! Look how that number spikes when companies have 40 or more landing pages:


You may be thinking, “Yeah, but you don’t understand my business,” Wll, here’s the break down for business to business companies as well as business to consumer companies. No matter the type of business, using the best landing pages can really boost your leads!



Do you have the best landing pages in place for your business’s website?

If not, get started!

If you are using landing pages, do you know how well they are working for you? Are they the best landing pages they could be?

The #1 reason businesses don’t create landing pages (or currently have not the best landing pages in use), is because their marketing team is too overloaded and doesn’t have the time, know-how, or resources to do it right.

So, if this is true of you and your business, give contact us today to set up a free consultation. It is our passion to help your company be successful and increase your leads and customers so you can increase your profits and grow your business!


If you are interested in reading more about landing pages, check out a few of our blogs:

Why Use Landing Pages for Internet Marketing?

The Best Landing Pages Should Take a Hint from In-N-Out Burger

The Best Landing Pages Use these 6 Simple Techniques