Our Blog

'Twas the Night Before Christmas [Inbound Marketing Style]

Written by Vicky Zancanella | December 24, 2013

Throughout 2013, as part of our Inbound Marketing strategy, we have been blogging and creating downloadable content in ebooks, not just for our clients, but for our own agency. You can find out how blogging has affected us this year here at the Bubble by reading our blog, but here is a little snapshot into our world through the eyes of our faithful office dog, Backup. Backup really does think we all are here to work for her, to open the door so she can come in or out, as well as throw her toys or chase her around the office. So, with that in mind, I wrote an Inbound Marketing version of the traditional poem The Night Before Christmas. Enjoy!


'Twas the night before Christmas, when all thro' the Bubble,

Not a marketer was stirring, not even one with stubble;

The blogs were all posted on the website with care,

In hopes that St. Google would notice them there;


The website was nestled all snug in HubSpot,

While visions of increased customers seemed for not,

And Kathryn in her earplugs, and I on my leash,

Had just settled down for a solid night’s sleep-


When out on Social Media there arose such a clatter,

I sprang to my laptop to see what was the matter.

Away to the HubSpot dashboard I flew like a flash,

Tore open the reports tab, and pulled up the graph.


The results on the page of the newly found data,

Gave the lustre of growth to the analytics calculator;

When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,

But more tweets, Facebook likes and Google+ shares.  


With our organic growing, so lively and quick,

I knew in a moment it must be increased traffic.

More rapid than eagles my marketers they came,

And I barked, and I howled, and call'd them by name:


"Now Tasha! Now Kathryn! Now Vicky! and Raquel,

"On Malcombe! On Greg! On Paige! and Michael,

"To the brainstorming session! To the whiteboard come all!

"Now think away! List away! Create titles for all!"


As snowflakes fall from the sky in a swirl,

Michael’s questions and ideas came in a whirl,

When they finalized their plan, action items assigned;

To HubSpot software they went with offers in mind.


With a sleigh full of keywords and blogging calendar logged,

They went straight to their keywords, and wrote all of their blogs;

My Inbound marketers were creating content with passion,

Bringing relevant marketing to people with fashion.


Paige wrote creative blogs as quick as a wink,

While Tasha designed actionable CTAs in a blink.

Landing page workflows, email campaigns Vic created,

As Raquel promoted content on Social Media unabated.


And then in a twinkling, by Janet the offers were designed,

The landing pages ready with form fields assigned.

As I drew in my breath, and was looking around,

Search Engines brought warm leads in with a bound.


Website traffic increased 5000 percent,

While warm nurtured leads down the funnel were sent.

CTAs clicked, offers downloaded in numbers,

Emails automatically sent while recipients slumbered.


Notifications through Signals filled my screen as I read,

They were opened and forwarded quickly to Greg.

Leads were converted, the funnel was filled,

Yeah! Kathryn had many new clients to bill.    


My team was engrossed in their work like an elf,

And I laugh'd when I saw them in spite of myself;

A click of the mouse to automate posting,

Soon gave me to know I had not time to be wasting.


And laying my paw on the door stopper inside,

When I gave it a fling, to the door they all rose--with a sigh.

I wagged my tail and to my team gave a whistle,

And away they all drove, like a ballistic missile:


But I heard them exclaim, as they drove out of sight-

Happy marketing to all, with content that delights!