Our Blog

Gratitude for the Bubble Team

Written by Kathryn Redman | November 28, 2013

Just about every day at HaBO we post a blog about internet marketing, how to create the best landing pages, what makes a good website or how to keyword your online content. This week, in the spirit of this great Thanksgiving Holiday, I want to turn the spotlight a bit inward, and tell you a few things I am grateful for here at the Bubble.

When Michael and I started Half a Bubble Out in 2002 we were looking to do great work for clients we like, and do it with a team of people we enjoyed. We know a lot of folks who simply don’t like their jobs and don’t believe they are making a difference in the world. We wanted to create a company where people would want to come to work and would believe that it mattered and that in some small way we were making a difference for our clients and our community.

We’ve had a lot of employees over our 11 years of business and each one of them holds a place in our hearts. People come and go, and not everyone is a perfect fit, but we have learned from every employee and every intern that has ever crossed our threshold on a Monday morning. Having said that, I must confess that we are in a season right now where I have never been more grateful for the team of people that surround me, and the clients we get to serve.

At the core of the hub we have six staffers, an amazing team of subcontractors and various interns who frequent our halls and create the great content that helps our clients grow their businesses. This group of people amazes me and I can truly say that I LOVE coming to work and being with this team. Here are four things that I am grateful for when it comes to who I work with.

1.  Their Commitment to Excellence

It is quite something to work with people who are committed to doing excellent work for our clients just as a part of who they are. This commitment is fundamental to who we want to be as a business, but Michael and I know that not every company has found the right people who share that commitment. We are blessed beyond measure to have a core group of employees who give their best every day, every moment they are on the clock, and many moments when they are not. They partner with us to think about ways to improve, innovate and do better work and their ideas are great. They contribute to the company professionally and personally and I am honored to work with each and every one of them. Thank you team for being competent and committed to excellence.

2.  Their Consistent Sense of Humor

Maybe it’s just me, but I’m of the mind that if I don’t laugh several times or more a day, it hasn’t been a great day. Humor is part of the fabric of the Bubble. Remember Mary Poppins’ “I love to laugh?”

That could be my personal theme song, so having people who laugh at me and with me is part of what makes this a great place to work.  If you follow our blog, you’ll see the humor thread. Did you catch Why Blog if You’re a Member of Ghostbusters? If you didn’t it is fully worth the read! Amidst trying to be helpful about marketing, we also want to stay lighthearted and remember that there is more to life than whatever the current crisis is. So…thank you team for being fun! Dare I even say “funner”?

3.  Their Core of Grace

Mistakes happen in business. They always have and they always will. Working in a team that helps pick each other up and extends grace when things don’t go right is a gift. We can’t succeed if we don’t fail a bunch of times, say the gurus of personal development. Failure only happens if we push out and take risks. Risks can only be taken if it is safe to take them. Hence the need for grace. We desire and require excellence, but we encourage risks around here. Thank you team for being gracious to each other when it doesn’t work!

4.  And it’s a “Wrap”…a Friday Wrap that is!

Yes, this means I am coming to an end, but it also refers to every Friday afternoon at 4pm around here. If you happen to drop by you will find us all hanging out in the “living room” grazing on appetizers and drinking a beverage of choice, and you’ll probably be invited to join in. Wine, beer and lemonade seem to be the top scoring options around here. We reflect on the highlights of the week, talk about plans for the weekend and laugh a lot. A few months ago we wondered if it mattered much and Michael asked if we should stop doing wrap. The classic reply came from Natasha, who said “that’s like asking if we should cancel Christmas.” And there and then there was a renewed commitment to this weekly time of connecting. Thank you team for caring about connection with each other. We realize free happy hour is fun, but we know that it is deeper than that and we love sharing wrap with you!

Are you grateful for who you work with? Tell them you are and tell them why.