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5 Lead Generation Techniques for Your Blog

Written by Michael K. Redman | June 18, 2013

If you’re looking for some quick lead generation techniques for your blog then here are 5 simple ideas, because when ever you’re doing business online or off you need to find customers.  The first step to new customers for your small business is to find the leads to talk to.  The next step is to convert more of those leads into paying customers.  Inbound Marketing or what some people call it Content Marketing, is really good for helping to find those leads online.

If you're like me, finding the leads is one of the hardest parts to growing your business.  It requires some kind of marketing and it requires you to be consistent.  Blogs allow you to demonstrate your knowledge of an industry and be seen regularly by people as long as you regularly write blogs and then regularly distribute links to them using emails, social media and even telling people about them at cocktail parties.  So let’s get started with your 5 quick tips.


5 Quick Tips for generating new leads


Tip #1 Guest Blogs


Everyone has trouble coming up with topics from time to time. You also want your blog to attract people you don’t know and re-attract people that are being exposed to you.  Guest blogging is when you get someone outside of your company to write a guest blog that will post on your blog.  This saves you the trouble of coming up with a title for at least an occasional blog.  Guest Bloggers also bring with them new people to your website that are familiar with your guests writing but unfamiliar with your website and blog.  These people become visitors and then might become interested in you.  Thus they become a lead.


Tip #2 Numbered blogs


Number blogs, like this one, attract more people than any other concept.  This is especially true when you put a number in the title.  It probably won’t last forever like this but for now numbers in the title attract people.  It also helps when people read it.  Numbered lists appear to be easier to read.  The numbers break up the content into chunkable, readable pieces.  When people find your content more attractive then more people will take the chance and read it.  When more people who read it find it easier to read than non-numbered sites you are on your way to more leads.  People look to buy from people they like.


Tip #3 “How To” blogs


Another popular title and subject are “How To” subjects.  People are regularly looking for help in Google. If you go to YouTube you can see lots of how-to videos.  Put these how-to videos on YouTube and then put them in your blog.  Not only do you answer a question that someone is looking for help with but you also provide them with help that they are appreciative of.  When I just went out to look for a how to video this is what came up.


That’s right, how to tie a tie.  So I looked a little bit farther and found this video on the subject.


Look at the views.  14,085,118 of them… Can you imagine that?  I had no idea that so many people wanted to learn to tie a tie.  So if you found a subject like this that people wanted to know about and did a video and posted it to your blog you could attract some traffic to your website and blog.  Once they are there they have a better chance of becoming leads because you helped them and made it easy for them to learn.  No stick figures here.  Here is the real video incase you need to see it for your next formal occasion.


Tip #4 Video Demonstration with transcript


The folks over at www.moz.com do a thing called, “Whiteboard Friday”.  It’s kind of geeky but it draws in traffic and converts people into leads and eventually customers for Moz and that means money…  http://moz.com/blog/processing-fluency-impacts-web-marketing-whiteboard-friday


Tip #5 Get Other People in Your Office to Write Also


In our office we really wrestled with what we would do to write our blogs.  We new that the more blogs we had the more people would come to visit our site because we would eventually grow our rankings in Google.  (That means that we would eventually show up on the first page for some of our blogs.  If you write enough on a consistent basis for a long time then it will happen.) In the beginning we thought that I would need to write those blogs myself and I was having trouble finding the time.  I can do one a week and I thought I could do two but we wanted to publish a blog 6 days a week.  Our solution thanks to the folks at HubSpot, one of our partners, we came up with this great idea.  Our staff also started blogging 6 times a week the beginning of May this year.  As you can see in the graphic below we doubled our traffic from search engines in May and we are on track to doing it again in June.  The more organic traffic the more new traffic is coming to your site and if you are showing your stuff off more people will be interested and more people will turn into to leads.



So there you go, 5 quick lead generation techniques.  We use some of them on our blog at Half a Bubble Out and will put more into practice as we go along.  I have one video on YouTube that has over 21,000 views as of tonight but it took us forever to put it in a blog.  That would have been some great traffic. The Smoking Machine Video.  So go out and implement one of these ideas on your own blog.  Be consistant and go the distance and you will see it pay off.


Another resource that might be helpful is one of our other blogs on Lead generation techniques.



This one on Blogging. http://blog.halfabubbleout.com/blog/bid/276020/top-7-worst-lead-generation-techniques


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Lead Generation Techniques - Seems Legit!?

Top 7 Worst Lead Generation Techniques