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A Successful Small Business Stands Out by Being Credible

Written by Jessica Miley | February 26, 2015

Are you trying to be the best in your industry while still trying to remain ethical in your efforts? Your marketing efforts can be strengthened by increasing your credibility. Credibility is needed to create a successful small business. Because credibility can be abstract, it can be difficult to make sure that we are on the same page. So what do we mean by working on your credibility?

Today we are referencing Stephen Covey’s Speed of Trust. In order for your customers to trust your company, and be the best in your industry, your credibility will be tested. Covey teaches that there are 4 different areas of building trust. They are:

  1. Integrity- Are you congruent?

Is what you say equal to what you do? Your business needs to have congruency between what you say you will do and the actions that you take.

  1. Intent- What’s your agenda?

Are you looking for a win/win? Are you trying to sell your product to just make money or does it help your customer solve a problem?

  1. Capabilities- Are you relevant?

Are you competent? If your business isn’t educated in the technology field, why would somebody trust your expertise on what the next big thing in laptops will be?

  1. Results- What’s your track record?

Can you deliver? Your business needs to do what the business says it will. Overnight shipping, customer service, product guarantees etc. all need to be delivered the way that your business says that it will.

Trust and credibility can be tricky. Brand awareness and brand loyalty rely on the credibility of your business. Start by asking, How do your customers view you? Is your business trustworthy to customers?Then earn the trust of your current customers. When your customers learn that they can trust your business, you have an advantage over your competitors. Focus on your current customers and soon your potential customers will learn of your amazing credibility. 

Do you need help building trust to create a successful small business? Half a Bubble Out understands the importance of credibility and knows how important it is to have your customers trust your company. We can help you get to the top.

Since 2002, Half a Bubble Out has been dedicated to providing marketing, advertising and small business consulting that meet the needs of our clients. We specialize in powerfully telling stories through inbound marketing to grow your business filled with more passion and provision. Based in Chico California, we serve clients throughout Northern California and across the country to New York.