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7 Ways to Show Your Employees That You Care With Passion and Provision

Written by Jessica Miley | December 23, 2014

With Christmas being days away you still have time to show how much you care about your employees. Why should you do this? Having a company that is full of passion and provision is crucial to gain your maximum success. By doing these random acts of kindness, you are showing your employees the passion that you have for your business which translates to taking care of your employees.

Throw a Holiday Party

If you have a group of people who love to have good time and be festive, then throw a party in their honor. At Half a Bubble Out we had our Christmas party and our boss put together a photo booth for all of us to enjoy. We had a blast! The key to any good party is making it memorable.

Write Thank You Cards

You would be surprised how far a simple hand written thank you note will go. Personalize the message to really take it to the next level. Include how many years of service they have committed, a characteristic of theirs that you appreciate etc. These kind words will show your employees that you care about them personally and what they give to your business.

Write a Blog

At Half a Bubble Out, we like showing our appreciation through writing blogs. On Thanksgiving, our CEO Michael gave thanks to not only being grateful for his passion and provision business, but for his employees as well. Check his blog out here.

Schedule a Meeting

This won’t be boring like every other meeting. Bring treats, fun stories or give attributes about your employees that you appreciate. When in doubt, always use food to please your employees. Everybody loves food. I mean everybody.

Give Gifts

These gifts don’t have to be grandiose, just thoughtful. This can be easy if you pay attention to their hobbies, what they like to collect, where they like to vacation etc. Buy their favorite coffee grounds, a mug with their favorite location etc. Wow! You will be a boss that pays attention and your employees will be grateful.  

Offer Flexible Scheduling

With the hustle and bustle of Christmas time, your employees may find themselves having a difficult time balancing their work and personal life. Why not make it easier for them? Offer flexible scheduling to help them get through the holidays with ease. They will be less stressed which means that they will be able to focus on work when they are at work.


It is not a foreign concept for people to spend more money on Christmas gifts than they do for other times of the year. Giving your employees a bonus added to their check will not only help with the provision of your employees, but will show them that you appreciate what they do by giving them a little extra financially.

Does this sound like something that you can do? Need a little but more help? Check us out at Half a Bubble Out. We are a full service marketing, advertising and consulting agency and we can help you create passion and provision in your company. Contact us today!