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Want to Remain a Successful Small Business? Spring Clean Your Content

Written by Raquel Royers | April 16, 2015

As a business owner, we are sure you are aware that the internet world is constantly changing. Even more important for you to know, it’s changing and you need to keep up if you want to remain a successful small business. Constant updates by Google and changes in algorithms should be keeping you on your toes, however, we know it’s difficult to keep up.

Since your website probably hasn’t been updated for quite some time, right now is the time to spring clean your content. What’s that we say? The content on your website needs to actually be changed time over time? Yes, this is correct!

Along with things on the internet changing, your organization or small business has probably changed a bit as well. It’s important to stay up to date and relevant with your businesses website and online content. Plus, refreshing content on your website can give your business the boost it’s been needing, not to mention customers will enjoy seeing something new and updated.

Spring cleaning your content includes:

  • Updating content
  • Making your website mobile friendly [which is now required by Google]
  • Optimizing the content for search
  • Evaluating keywords for SEO purposes
  • Generating new blog/offer topics
  • Evaluating content and social media strategies
  • Hiring copywriters/copyeditors to ensure quality content

There are a number of ways you can spring clean your content and update your website, however here are some great ideas with more in depth detail from Social Media Today. Give this article a read and let us know how we can help.

9 Ways to Spring Clean Your Content Starting Now

Posted by Julia McCoy, Social Media Today


Over the years, we’ve all created excellent content that met the current strategies and needs of the Internet-world. There have been plenty of Google updates, and many people have worked to make sure their content meets each algorithm for the best results. However, all of this content can become stale and start cluttering up your website. You should take the chance to re-organize your content and make sure everything is in tip-top shape for the rest of the year.


“I don’t want to get rid of all of my web pages, though!” Don’t worry, you don’t have to get rid and donate your pages like you would your household items or clothing. But you can do some awesome things to make sure your content is new and looking better than ever. I am going to take a look at the top ways you can achieve this and make your content awesome for the rest of 2015.


Here are the top ways you can spring clean your content, starting as soon as possible.

  1. Get a Content Audit to Refresh and Clean Your Existing Content. One of the best ways to start the spring clean is to get an awesome content audit. What does a content audit do for your site and how can it help you organize things? A content audit will check your URLs and page titles to make sure nothing is broken and to help you implement adequate keywords to help with ranks. It can also help you look at your product descriptions, blogs, and other forms of content to see if it matches up with the latest Google algorithms, as well as checking for grammar and spelling. In short, a content audit will take a look at your entire website and help you to start working on some excellent ways to fix your website and make it perfect.
  2. Take a Look at Keywords – Do New, Fresh Keyword Research. Even with the latest content updates to Google algorithms, keywords are still vital to websites and helping your rank. However, many people don’t realize that the keywords that worked two months ago might not work now. The best way to make sure your content is still leveraging the advantage you want is to do fresh keyword research and implement new keywords for your website. This can also help you research new keywords as you think of them, and implement new ones into your strategy. You can do keyword research on your own or find professionals who are trained in research to help you find the best ones for your site.

[To Continue Reading the Original Article Go Here; 9 Ways to Spring Clean Your Content, Starting Now | Social Media Today

Hopefully this article was helpful in allowing you to see the importance of keeping your content updated to remain a successful small business. This is far too much work for you to take on individually and hiring an internet marketing agency is the best bet to get ahead now!

Since 2002, Half a Bubble Out has been dedicated to providing marketing, advertising and small business consulting that meet the needs of our clients. We specialize in powerfully telling stories through inbound marketing to grow your business filled with more passion and provision. Based in Chico California, we serve clients throughout Northern California and across the country to New York.