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Small Business Talk: Content Marketing Predictions for 2015

Written by Raquel Royers | January 16, 2015

First off, Happy New Year! You’ve probably already read a few blogs that are predicting what type of marketing will be the best for your small business in 2015. But, most of those blogs are actually not very helpful. This one however, is not like that at all...which is why you should keep reading!

This year marketers were abuzz with the phrase “content marketing.” What is content marketing? Content marketing is a marketing technique of creating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and acquire a clearly defined audience—with the objective of driving profitable customer actions. (Content Marketing Institute)

While this type of marketing is specifically meant to be helpful, relevant and provide information the customer wants, it has started to be abused by some marketers and small businesses. Along with that, potential leads and customers start to catch on to the new form of marketing and become desensitized to it and it no longer works as effectively as it once did.

This type of non-interruptive marketing will still remain popular and effective in 2015, it will just require some slight changes in your small businesses strategy and plan of how to use it.       

This blog featured on Forbes is extremely helpful and has some good stuff in it, and is unlike other 2015 prediction blogs out there. I highly recommend you give it a read and continue reading the original article to read all of the predictions.

5 Less Obvious Content Marketing Predictions For 2015

Posted by Daniel Newman, Forbes

1.  Content Will Grow but People Are Becoming Numb 

A research study has found the annual growth rate of content production to be 200%. With so many people creating so much content, there will be more emphasis and commitment to generating meaningful content that is highly targeted on the goal of making deeper connections. Even though the amount of content will continue to rise, that doesn’t mean that the content put forth will work for all brands. Since the future will require standing out with better, more targeted content, only the brands that produce content with the targeted audience in mind will benefit from the content boom that will have many people craving something different. 

2. Brands Will Realize It Is SEO AND Content, Not One or the Other 

For the longest time, some companies have been at war with themselves as to whether they should focus on SEO or Content. The truth is that Content and SEO are a marriage made in heaven, and companies who recognized that partnership will continue to succeed in the digital space.

Even Search Engine Land, the well known and respected source for SEO content says this in one of their online e-books about the relationship between content and SEO:

“Content is king. You’ll hear that phrase over and over again when it comes to SEO success. Indeed, that’s why the Periodic Table Of SEO Success Factors begins with the content “elements,” with the very first element being about content quality.” 

Those who come to the realization sooner than later will be poised for success in 2015.

3. Ignoring Video is No Longer an Option

Did you know that a one minute video can represent as many as 1.8 million words?

Sure, once upon a time, written content was king, but times have changed. With mobile use increasing at such substantial rates, there are now more than 100 million consumers watching online video each day. This is precisely why brands need to have alternatives to written content. Video is an alternative that lends itself well to the mobile age, and that is why in 2015, we are going to see more video than we have seen before. As brands recognize the need to use video to reach their audience, explanatory videos, video-based storytelling, and video-embedded content will be hot.

[Continue Reading Article: 5 Less Obvious Content Marketing Predictions For 2015]

Regardless of what it is that your business needs improvement on in 2015, we can help! Since 2002, Half a Bubble Out has been dedicated to providing marketing, advertising and small business consulting that meet the needs of our clients. We specialize in powerfully telling stories through Inbound Marketing to grow your business filled with more passion and provision. Based in Chico California, we serve clients throughout Northern California and across the country to New York. 

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