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Humanize Your Content Marketing with Storytelling to Engage Customers

Written by Maliah Seavey | January 15, 2016

Let’s face it, boring content is just plain     awful and sometimes a little painful to       read. So how do we make your content marketing efforts easier for your visitors to understand and process?


We humanize it. Humans are the creators of content - the marketing gurus - and humans are interesting. The best part about these living, breathing creatures is their stories.


Every company starts with a person and an idea. When prospects visit your website and view your content, you have a huge opportunity to invite them on a “journey” if you will; a journey that will allow them to be a part of your company's very interesting, very unique story.


Your challenge is to use these stories in your content marketing strategy and see what happens. Make it interesting and fun. Connect with your readers like they are sitting across the table having a conversation with you.


Here are some great tips from our friends at Business to Community. Try following these as you begin implementing stories into your content.


How to Use Storytelling for More Effective Content Marketing


Focus on People

Storytelling must emphasize the customer, not the company or the product. By no means should your story focus on selling. Instead, it should stress the humanity of your audience and the humanity of your brand. Cover topics of human interest, such as customer success stories, to captivate attention and stimulate an emotional connection to your brand.


Develop Theme and Structure

For maximum effect, your storytelling should follow a basic structure. In the beginning, you want to hook the audience. Use an active, personal tone to compel your audience to stay with your story until the end. Introduce your characters and inject emotional cues that help readers connect with them.

In the middle of your story, present the problem or struggle that affects your characters. Finally, wrap up the story, showing how to solve the problem and incorporating values that characterize your brand.

You might recognize some classic patterns in storytelling, and use them to help you begin your campaign:

- The hero’s journey or adventure.

- Your character’s coming-of-age or personal discovery.

- Personal victory and perseverance.

- Being taught by the guru, etc.


Use the Right Style

Use everyday language for your storytelling, with a conversational style you would use when telling a story to a friend. An informal, human touch accented by some humor and wit will help you come across as a real person. Adjust your language for your target audience.

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Here is a perfect example of an individual engaging and building genuine relationship with new customers through storytelling:


Recently, I subscribed to a blog for worship leading, audio engineering, and keyboard tutorials. A few hours after subscribing, I received an email from Kade, the founder of Collaborate Worship.


In the email, he included a YouTube video personally thanking me for my subscription. He goes further into detail by telling us a brief story of when and why he founded his company, as well as what he does as a worship leader.


He then develops the theme and the purpose of the video by identifying the potential “problem” of the subscriber and what he hopes to accomplish through his website:


“… I’ve learned a lot over the years. My goal with Collaborate Worship is to share that experience with you, in hopes of saving you time, and frustration. So, I publish a new post every week, and I’ll send that straight to you via email…"  - Kade Young


Then he goes even further. He focuses on the person by asking the reader to respond to the email with what instrument they played, if they were a part of their church tech team, and how they got started with musical worship in the first place.


And there you have itInstant relationship with his subscribers in 50 seconds. 


Lastly, Kade's got style. His video featured a tasteful backing track that easily appeals to worship musicians and guitar gear heads. 


Additionally, the quality of the video and audio speaks volumes to a video or audio technician persona. 


So, be good to your visitors. Engage them and invite them to go on a journey with you. Make content that they look forward to reading.


Do you need help telling your story? Contact us for a business consultation.



Here at Half a Bubble Out, it is our mission to help your company tell its story. We specialize in powerfully telling stories through inbound marketing to grow your business filled with more passion and provision. Based in Chico California, we serve clients throughout Northern California and across the country to New York.