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Facebook News: 2 Updates Your Small Business Needs to Know About

Written by Raquel Royers | December 12, 2014

Things are constantly changing in the marketing world, especially with internet marketing. Even more specifically, social media marketing. A platform that is famous for continually issuing updates and messing around with its algorithm is good ole’ Facebook.

Yikes! It seems like every week there is something new to keep up with. Well, if you want to be on top of marketing news and stay current with changes, it's vital to read these updates since it could affect the success of your small business online. 

Here are the updates broken down, really quick. We’ll make it as easy as possible for you!

1. Facebook Graph Search Now Lets You Find Old Posts 

This is something you are going to want to be aware of as a small business because certain keywords you use can help you be found more as people are searching on Facebook. This means you need to be more aware of the wording you are using and more deliberate with keyword usage even in social media posts.

Here are the basics on Facebook's Graph Search update. 

Posted by HubSpot

How Facebook Search Now Works

Facebook's latest update now lets you search for people, posts, photos, places, Pages, Groups, apps, and events using any keywords you'd like. So if you wanted to check out pictures from your cousin Shirley's wedding, you could search for "Shirley wedding" and results would appear for those terms. (Note: Shirley's wedding photos may be more difficult to find than that, so you may need to try "Shirley's wedding pictures" or some other variation to find the specific content you want.) 

The results that'll show up are personalized to you, with the keywords you used highlighted in blue. One of the ways they'll be ranked is on the strength of the relationship between you and the person/Page publishing the post -- in other words, as Search Engine Land says, "The closer the connection, the higher a given piece of content will display in the results." Facebook also takes other things like your interests into account when choosing what will display in your search results and how it will rank in those results.

The results will not be ranked by recency -- you'll find old posts intermingled with newer posts for the same search term. (It's a great way to discover old, awkward posts from that one time in college -- or just a blog design throwback, as in the example below.)

[Continue Reading the Entire Article: Facebook Graph Search Now Lets You Find Old Posts]

2. Facebook Considering ‘Facebook at Work’ Platform 

Posted by V3 Integrated Marketing 

While it is still unofficial, this is something that could impact your business and work environment! Whether you already let your employees use social media at work or not, the fact that Facebook would be creating a platform specifically for the work place is interesting in itself! 

“Facebook at work“ usually means a sneaky look at your News Feed when the boss isn’t around. But it seems we’ll soon see a new offering that could make the social network legit: Facebook at Work could not only make Facebook an essential part of your workday, it could also shake up the professional networking market

TechCrunch revealed over the summer that, according to an insider, the company was working on a version of their platform designed solely for use at work. The unnamed source reportedly said: “We are making work more fun and efficient by building an at-work version of Facebook. We will touch code throughout the stack and on all platforms (web, iOS, Android, etc.).”

Flash forward a few months. An anonymous source just gave an update to the Wall Street Journal: the business-focused network, “which will allow employees to communicate and collaborate on projects,” is set for launch in early January.

[Continue Reading the Entire Article: Facebook’s Facebook at Work Could Shake Things Up]

What are your thoughts on these updates? Are they good for small business? Would you let your employees use Facebook at work if it benefited the communication between teams? 

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