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Personalization Makes the Best Landing Pages!

Written by Vicky Zancanella | August 21, 2013

So yesterday at INBOUND13, HubSpot launched its new Content Optimization System, blasting off into the new frontier of personalized inbound marketing and when I went to HubSpot.com today, this is what I was welcomed with on their home page:



It's kinda nice to be welcomed and known by name. Kinda makes me smile and feel happy that I am a HubSpot partner. And to be honest, it's just cool!


Is this how you want your customers and clients to feel when they visit your website and go to landing pages? Well, this is the way internet marketing is going (and many are already there). I encourage you today to think about where your customers are going and who is taking them and if you want your business to be part of this new frontier.

Some may ask, this is really what people want? Is this really where marketing is headed? Do the best landing pages need to be personalized to convert customers? Well to get you thinking and answer a few of your questions, check out this informative infographic by Monetate which gives a comparison of the past and the present, along with what customers are really thinking!

Hopefully it gives your business something to consider today and helps you create the best landing pages you can for your business:


Infographic Source: http://monetate.com/infographic/mass-marketing-versus-personalization/


Kind of fun to consider, that maybe, just maybe we are circling back around to a time when salespeople knew their customers. They came door to door, knew people by name and understood their likes, dislikes and needs. So when a product or service came along that could meet those needs, salespeople offered those solutions to their customers and their customers were delighted. This is called relationship! This is what personalization is all about, and when done well, your business can create the best landing pages to create personalized, relevant content to your visitors, leads and customers.

Personalization is part of relationship building so head out on the new (or not so new) frontier of personalization!