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My Exciting Journey to See Seth Godin at INBOUND13

Written by Michael K. Redman | August 20, 2013

I'm in Boston and I'm walking in the Hynes convention center to see Seth Godin as the first Keynote speaker of Inbound 13.  This is THE conference for internet marketing and creating marketing that people actually want.

I walk in the center and join all the people half my age moving towards the escalator.  I'm finally here when I get stopped on the second floor and asked for my badge which is still deep in my bag and my hands are full with the walking breakfast.  Got up a bit too late for a sit down breakfast.


I dig around as people push pass me; find my badge and off I go to the second floor, the convention floor.  There it is.  I can see the doors and the line waiting to get in.  It's long but not too long.  Kathryn and I find our place and begin the wait just before we get pushed around by a security guard as the line grows.  It wasn't too long of a wait before our line began to move.

Now this is where my first frustration happened.  We were doing what we were suppose to do and there was another line merging.  Those late comers were cutting in line and the 80 year old security lady that told us to move didn't stop them.  I breathe deep, regain my composure and off we go.  My smile is back and nothing will detour my happiness.  The line moves closer to the door and then I see another security guard turning the line around a corner, away from the great big doors.  No worries it's just a small detour and then I see the hallway and the hundreds of people in line before me.  They recede down the hallway and look like ants in the distance.

Well after several jokes and acting like cattle we made the door.  I did not end up in the overflow room and I even have a 2nd row seat... on the far right side.  It makes me think of Top Gun and being a wing man.  But I digress.

Now I'm here and Seth is within reach.  I didn't care much about him before but now I'm a Seth Godin Groupy. Go figure...

And so begins the adventure.