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My New Mantra in the Form of Internet Marketing Tips: Part 1

Written by Paige Gilbert | August 13, 2013

Do you have a mantra that you live by? A word or phrase that you repeatedly say over and over to yourself to encourage you in tough situations or remind you about what’s really important in life?

I’ve always been on the lookout for just the right mantra for my life. Something that is constant and applicable no matter what curveballs life throws my way. Well, over the weekend I found it on Slideshare and what do you know, I think it’s even relevant in the form of internet marketing tips.


So here's the mantra:


I’ve been feeling reflective lately. The past couple of years have been interesting (to say the least) and challenging. A constant word that keeps recurring in my mind is SIMPLICITY which is ironic since I had an adorable baby girl a year ago (adding a baby to the mix doesn’t exactly scream simple!), my husband started his job as a law enforcement officer, and some family dynamics too. None of it was simple at all, but I was constantly reminded that amidst all of the chaos around me I need to focus on keeping life simple. But what does any of this have to do with internet marketing?


Here’s my application: Just like life sometimes, internet marketing can get chaotic, but amidst the chaos you have to ask yourself, how am I going to keep my internet marketing strategy simple and should I? I think using my newly-found mantra can help.


Be Generous and Expert


Generous means to focus on others in a sincere and giving manner


The “others” in this sentence are your potential and current customers. Use your internet marketing efforts to tell them how you can fulfill their need and what sets you apart as a company. Let them know what you stand against. A great place for this information is on your website. Give them something valuable in the form of quality content. It could be a free downloadable e-book, whitepaper, or relevant blog articles. By speaking to your customer’s needs and giving them something of value, they will see you as credible in your industry.


Expert means to always do your best, and never stop getting better


The world of internet marketing is constantly changing and getting more sophisticated, which means you have to be willing to change with it. The best way to do this is to LEARN:

Look at the big picture – always know the direction you’re trying to go by setting achievable goals, but don’t be afraid to make corrections along the way.

Engage with others – find other great minds in your industry and share ideas by connecting on social media, guest blogging, link building, or even having a chat over a cup of coffee. We’re in a WE generation after all.

Attempt different strategies – Test. Test. Test. Don’t be afraid to fail. If it doesn’t work, try something else. In the words of Seth Godin “If you’re busy enacting a future that hasn’t happened yet, and amplifying the worst possible outcomes, it’s no wonder it’s difficult to ship that work.”

Read – The more you read the more you’ll discover. Books, blogs, magazines, websites, anything that is relevant to your industry that can help with your internet marketing strategy, or that is just enjoyable to you.

Never give up – Period.


Trustworthy and Clear 


Trustworthy means do the right thing, even when no one is looking


Above I mentioned that we are in a “WE” generation. This concept comes from the book Pendulum by Roy H. Williams and Michael R. Drew and discusses how past generations shape our present and predict our future. It’s worth a read for anyone who wants their future marketing efforts to be successful. When society is in a “ME” generation, it focuses on the individual and “believes one man is wiser than a million men.” It “desires to be number one: I came, I saw, I conquered.”


When society is in a “WE” generation, like we are now, it focuses on the group and “believes a million men are wiser than one man.” It “admires individual humility and is attracted to thoughtful persons and strengthens a society’s sense of purpose as it considers all its problems. It “desires to be a productive member of the team: I came, I saw, I concurred.” As you’ll read in the book, we’ll be in a WE generation for the next 30 years which means your internet marketing strategy should be honest and transparent to reflect the values of society. As a company you should let your customers know who you are, know who you aren’t and assure them that you are here to help them. WE desires authenticity. 

Clear means to know what you want and communicate it effectively


Set achievable goals for your company in the different areas of your internet marketing strategy. For example, “increase website visits by ‘X’ percent this month” “blog 5 days a week” or “convert ‘X’ amount of leads into customers.” Make sure you can measure your goals to see your progress. Then communicate with your team the end goal in mind and map out how you’re going to get there together.


Also know what you want your customers to do. If someone visits your website you need a clear call-to-action (CTA) to help direct them. For example, “Download Our Free Ebook” or “Click Here for a Free Consultation.” Once they click on your CTA, they should be taken to a simple landing page where they fill out a form to get their offer. No website navigation. No other information. Just giving them what they want. Now you have their contact information and they’ve become a lead. You’re on your way of achieving your goal of “convert ‘X’ amount of leads into customers.” See how this works?


And that’s not all. Be sure to look for Part 2 of this blog article in next week’s edition of Internet Marketing Tips. In the meantime, you can view the full Slideshow presentation by Bruce Kasanof here.


Be thinking of what your personal mantra is, or if you already have one share it in the comments below.