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How to Add Keywords to A Website Without Looking Like a Chump

Written by Natasha Hawkins | July 24, 2013

There are many factors that can help your business be found online. One of these important factors is website keywording. When businesses add keywords to a website they are telling Google and other search engines exactly what words and or phrases they want to be found for on Google. Adding keywords to a website is a skill. As a business owner you should be involved in the keywording process, and make sure your SEO agency or webmaster is adding keywords to your site without turning away customers and making your business look like a chump.

Adding keywords to a website is a lot like writing a book and adding chapters. The chapters in your book should make finding certain parts of your book easy. Titles of chapters should be clear and concise. Each chapter should speak to the correlating chapter of the book and stay focused. That is the same way we would tell our clients how to add keywords to a website. 

Chump Talk, Keyword Stuffing, and SEO Fails

Adding keywords to a website can be a simple way to get ranked in Google, and get traffic to your site. But if that’s all you focus on then your website might sound a lot like a slick tongued salesman. You know, the salesman that push their product and don’t really consider what you want.

When adding keywords to a website it is important you keep the user in mind. There are best practices to adding keywords, and we can teach you how to add keywords without sounding like a chump.

Don’t Use Gobbly Gook

Gobbly gook is a funny word to describe industry-related speak. Remember your customers are real people and they might not be as familiar with the details of your product as you. So writing your website copy in extremely technical and boring ways will only confuse them, and make them lose interest. How to solve this keywording faux pas? Write in second person, and have fun with your website. Show some personality when describing your products, and keep it as simple as possible.

Ditch the Hidden Agenda

A commonly used old world SEO tactic was something called “Keyword Stuffing,” and no it doesn’t go with turkey. Keyword stuffing is when a website is written solely with search engines in mind. The content on the website will often repeat the same exact word or phrase over and over again. We recommend when you add your keywords you keep the user in mind first and search engines second. You want your website found, but you also want more customers. To accomplish this balance we recommend you add one keyword to each page, and use a 3% frequency. So for every 100 words you should include your main keyword three times.

Keyword FAIL

One way to FAIL at adding keywords to a website is by stuffing over 5, 6, or even 10 keywords on one page. This will dilute your page with keywords, and confuse search engines and users. Don’t look like a chump, use one keyword at a time. If you are a beginner at keywording your website we highly recommend using one keyword per page. This will make your page easy to read, concise, and will also make your keyword progress easier to track.


We know keywording your own website can sound intimidating, and it takes a lot of time, plus it has to be done right to really work. This is why we have multiple blogs on how to add keywords to a website, and why we offer expert SEO services to businesses who want more customers. 

Related Articles:

How to Add Keywords to a Website: Do Your Research