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The Best Landing Pages Use these 6 Simple Techniques

Written by Natasha Hawkins | July 12, 2013

Landing pages are a fundamental and undeniable part of a successful internet marketing strategy. Think of your landing pages this way, they are the hub, the center, bullseye of your marketing and lead generation efforts. Every offer, PPC ad, and other marketing efforts you use should be directed back to a landing page that is clear, to the point, and can convert visitors into customers. Not sure if you need landing pages for your business? Think again!


 Companies see a 55% increase in leads when they increase the number of landing pages for their company from 10 to 15. Source: 2012 Marketing Benchmarks Report

While having more landing pages can increase your chances of more customers, your landing pages have to look good too, otherwise they will not perform at their full potential.

The best landing pages use basic page conversion elements to turn visitors into paying customers. Not a designer? No worries, we got you covered. We know most small businesses struggle with website changes, and are trying to make most changes without redesigning their whole site or their landing pages. That’s why we are offering the simple tips below to help you apply best landing page techniques to your own landing pages.  

For the Best Landing Pages that Get Customers Ask Yourself These Questions:

Is your logo on your landing page?

Make sure the viewer knows exactly where they are, All your landing pages should have a logo positioned strategically on the page. If your logo is not at the top of the page, or easily seen then the user may lose trust in the web page and leave. We don’t want that! So make it visible and with a lot of white space around it.

Is your page clutter free?

Oftentimes, extravagant visuals distract the reader from the main point of the landing page. Use visuals to enhance and support – not distract. We know you want your page to look good, so you add as many cool visuals as possible. Then when you're writing your copy you feel like you need to describe every little thing about your product or service, so you end up with a novel. Believe it or not these are exactly the two things you don’t want to do. Less is more!

Does your format make the content easy to read?

A little formatting can really go a long way. Clearly laying out your headlines, images, copy, form, etc. can help you highlight the value of your offer. Have a plan or sketch of your landing page before you start creating it on the computer. Having a rough sketch of the page will help you organize the page and make sure your content is in a location that is easy to read. Don’t stop there - once your page is created and the content is on the page, make sure your headers and sub-headers stand out for easy reading. These headings are like billboards for your product and the copy so make them count and put thought into them.

Does your landing page use contrasting colors?

Your main call to action should stand out on the page. It should pop off the page to the reader. Using contrasting colors can bring attention to exactly where you want it to. Have a goal in mind for the viewer; if you want them to submit a form, make sure your submit button stands out and is easy to read.

Do you have social proof?

Social proof can be in the form of Facebook or Twitter recommendations. This can be done using plugins, embed codes, and a bunch of other technical solutions. Or you could take a quick screen shot and add them as an image to your page. Easier than you thought? We know.

Does your page pass the “5 Second Best Landing Page Test”?

People have short attention spans, especially online. So instead of rambling or writing a novel, stay tight and get right to the point. Take the 5 second test - ask a friend or employee to open the landing page for 5 seconds then leave. Now ask them what the main offer and point of the page was. Can they remember where the buy or contact button is to become a customer? If your viewer can answer these questions with ease, then your landing page passes the 5 Second Best Landing Page Test.


Hopefully these tips help you build some of the best landing pages for your business. Please ask any questions you might have about landing pages or internet marketing in the comments below, we would be happy to answer them for you!


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