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Online Public Relations: What NOT to do when writing for PR

Written by Vicky Zancanella | June 5, 2013

If you are reading this, you probably already realize that using online public relations as part of your overall internet marketing strategy is good for business, or maybe you are just curious about it. Either way, good for you!  Online public relations is a valuable internet marketing tool and can help drive traffic to your website which ultimately can bring you more customers. 

To get the most out of your online public relations, when writing your press releases,

DON’T do the following please!



Don’t use the shotgun approach.

You want to have a focused press release that is aimed toward your targeted audience. Choose your topic carefully and thoughtfully. Do your research and carefully craft your message, focusing on your audience and what news you’re offering them. Although a shotgun can do the trick once in a while, if you want to reach the heart of your target audience through online public relations, aim a well crafted piece right where you want it.


Don’t waste your bullets, I mean words.

Choose what is newsworthy enough to share. Be thoughtful about this and be strategic. Anyone can push out “news” that really isn’t news (you know what I mean). Have you ever watched your local news station and thought, “Hmmmm, there must not be any exciting news tonight.” It is obvious when news is “just a filler” so you want to be sure to share the “meat.” It doesn’t have to be gourmet or spicy either, just good newsworthy information that shows what your business has to offer.


Don’t forget to keyword, but don’t over stuff either.

Find a balance. It is silly to spend time writing a newsworthy press release, but not optimize it to be found online by others later. It’s like building a great spaceship, getting lots of attention initially, only to have it go in the wormhole. Put out your beacons and get found!  But when you are found make sure you are readable and not totally alien. Stuffing so many keywords that you sound robotic or alien is definitely a turn off and your company’s image may suffer. Your online public relations can benefit in the long run if you keyword properly.


Don’t get TOO creative.

Writing awesome press releases that make an impact is an art and takes a creative wordsmith, but there is a format and a method to this madness. Your writing needs to follow the headline, summary, intro paragraph, body, closing, dot your i’s and cross your t’s format to be effective and even accepted by the distributors. Follow the guidelines and then be creative within your boundaries. If you need a quick tutorial on writing a press release, watch this video by PressExposure:


Don’t use clichés and jargon.

People can read right through it. Be authentic and real. Just the cold hard truth, no fluff. Show who you are as a business and what you are all about. Tell your story and what sets you apart. With so much noise out there online, public relations is a chance to do just that, build relationships, and we like to build relationships with real people and businesses that are authentic. When you offer value and meaning as well as solutions to real problems, the effectiveness of your online public relations just increased!


Don’t be a rambler

It’s like the relative at the reunion that you avoid because she will talk your ear off and you will be stuck listening for three hours. Online public relations needs to be quick and to the point or guess what? --no one will read it.  We are all busy and have a million “important” things thrown at us daily, if not hourly, so get to the point and say what you need to say and mean it. You don’t need 3 chapters of character building, but you do need to state your most important points in the first paragraph because sometimes that is all people will read. The who, what, where, when, why, how.


Don’t be a one night stand.

Sending out one online press release might help your business that week or increase your website traffic that month, but if you really want to get the benefits of online public relations you have to build a relationship, and continue to send out press releases on a consistent basis. There is no magic number, but finding what works for your business and how fast or slow you want to move is the best way to decide how often to submit. According to PRSA, the new definition for PR is:

 “Public relations is a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics.”

Notice the words process and relationships. These words were carefully chosen because they convey the idea that it takes time!


Don’t send it out naked.

Yes, words are your core, your substance, but sending out a press release without dressing it up can be wasteful. Accessorize your online public relations piece with an image, video, or infographic and add anchor text and links back to your website pages that are valuable to what you are sharing. Make it interesting. With so many press releases being distributed daily, how are you going to get attention? Well, I guess stepping out of your office naked would get attention, but when it comes to online public relations, dressing up and accessorizing is the way to go.


Don’t be sloppy. 

There is no excuse. Be professional, write professionally and PROOFREAD your work. We are not perfect and we do make errors and mistakes, but really it just takes a few extra moments or another set of eyes (trained, eagle eyes) to clean up your writing. Make sure you practice good proofreading habits and don’t just depend on spell check. For some great tips on proofreading , read our blog article, “5 Common Spelling and Grammar Errors You Should Be Ashamed Of.”


Don’t underestimate your value.

Your business has great things to share. You do great work. You serve your customers well. You can celebrate your accomplishments and your victories without being a braggart.  Share and talk about yourself. It is okay and really, in the world of online public relations and internet marketing, if you don’t speak up, your competitor will!


So, now that you have an idea of what you DON’T want to do, go out and DO online public relations for your business and see the results!