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Internet Marketing Consultant Advice: Landing Pages | Block 9 of 11 to Get More Clients

Written by Michael K. Redman | March 15, 2013

How to  Increase Your Website Page Conversion 2,500% 

Here’s the scenario. You work really hard on your internet marketing to get traffic to your website. You may even be spending good money on PPC ads in Google or some other search engine. You desperately want people to buy something or call you or do something that will get them closer to being a paying customer. You put your phone number on the website and hope people call you. If you're doing a fairly normal job maybe you get 1 out of 500 visitors to actually call or email. Maybe you create a contact page and put a contact form on it and you get 1 out of 250 people to call or email. If you’re really doing well you get 1 out of 100 to convert or contact you and now you're up to the average conversion rate for websites over the last 20 years which is really close to what direct mail usually does, or at least used to do. So now what?

Now You Use a Landing Page

You then read this blog by an internet marketing firm, AKA, Half a Bubble Out :-). You take our advice and create a landing page. You follow all the rules and then you direct your PPC traffic to YOUR NEW LANDING PAGE. Then the magic happens - first you see a 10% conversion and then you see a 15% conversion. If you’re like us here at Half a Bubble Out it doesn’t take long and you start to see a 25% to 30% conversion on your landing pages. 

These are the newest landing pages for Half a Bubble Out that you can get to on our www.halfabubbleout.com/blog website as of today or


Check out one of our landing pages for an Internet Marketing Guide offer by following this Call To Action (click on the image).



Sound Interesting? – Even you can do it.

These landing pages were all created by our newest employee here at the Bubble, Vicky.  Vicky was an elementary school teacher for 10 years and this last year she came to work with us. With very little training in marketing she began to climb the Marketing Mountain. In January she added the role of overseeing landing pages for us and our clients. While she is being trained and has an office full of Internet Marketing Consultants to call on she has accomplished much of her success by following the rules of landing pages.

Here are the 10 steps you need to know to make a killer landing page.

  1. Be clear - Explain the value of your offer.
  2. Write headers that start with an action verb to explain what they need to do.
  3. Use bullet points to highlight the main points for faster reading.
  4. Create a short form on the landing page.
  5. Always place content above the fold. If they can’t see it then they won’t know it.
  6. Remove your standard navigation. Don’t let them get distracted.
  7. Include a relevant image on the page. Images increase action.
  8. Perform a 5 second test. Can you tell what the point is in 5 seconds or less?
  9. Always redirect them to a thank you page after they have filled out the form.
  10. Review your page to see if you covered all the best practices.

It’s that simple, Really!  If Vicky can do it with a little bit of training and it actually worked then you can to. The trick is to actually follow the 10 best practices, all of them.

Now let’s review. You started out with a webpage that had 1% conversion from your traffic at best. You increased your traffic conversion by 2,500% from that measly 1% to 25% over a period of a month or two. It takes that long sometimes to truly see the value and have realistic statistics. We did it and other companies are doing it. This can truly give you an edge against your competition and radically increase the ROI of your internet marketing dollars.  And that’s the scoop on landing pages and how to hit them out of the park from this Internet Marketing Consultant. I hope that was helpful to you!

Now you have two things left to do.

  1. Comment below and let us know how helpful this blog was.
  2. Go out and make yourself a truly awesome landing page.
