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13 Powerful Quotes from Top Social Media Consultants Across the World

Written by Raquel Royers | September 22, 2015

Social media is a huge part of digital marketing. In today’s bustling business world it’s almost mandatory for your business to have a social media presence.

Sometimes it’s nice to hear the views of experts. So we’ve pulled some powerful quotes from some of the top social media consultants. Keep reading to check them out!

1. “We don’t have a choice on whether we DO social media, the question is how well we DO it.”—Erik Qualman, Socialnomics

2. “Social media replaces nothing but complements everything.”—Neal Schaffer, Maximize Social Business

3. “Going viral is not an outcome; it’s a happening. Sometimes it happens; sometimes it doesn’t. Just remember, fans are vanity and sales are sanity.”—Lori Taylor, Social Caffeine

4. “What’s the ROI of your mother? How can you put a value on relationship?”—Gary Vaynerchuk, VaynerMedia

5. “Social media will help you build up loyalty of your current customers to the point that they will willingly, and for free, tell others about you.”—Bonnie Sainsbury, Social Media Smarter

6. “What makes you weird, makes you unique and therefore makes you stand out.”—Dan Schawbel, WorkplaceTrends.com

7. “Social media is about the people! Not about your business. Provide for the people and the people will provide for you.”—Matt Goulart, Ignite Digital

8. “A brand is no longer what we tell the consumer it is – it is what consumers tell each other it is.” Scott Cook, Intuit

9. “Why use social media? Marketing is no longer about the stuff that you make, but about the stories you tell.”—Seth Godin, Author and Entrepreneur

10. “Social media is about sociology and psychology more than technology.”—Brian Solis, Altimeter Group

11. “These days, social media waits for no one. If you’re LATE for the party, you’ll probably be covered by all the noise and you might not be able to get your voice across. It could only mean that if you want to be heard by the crowd, you have to be fast; and on social media, that means you have to be REALLY fast.”—Aaron Lee, Social Media Manager and Entrepreneur

12. “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas; what happens on Twitter stay on Google forever!"—Jure Klepic, Business Marketing Consultant and Social Media Innovator

13. "On Twitter we get excited if someone follows us. In real life we get really scared and run away."—Unknown

Social media can help take your business marketing up a notch by creating new relationships, nurturing current customers, showcasing information about your brand and much more. If you need help implementing a social media strategy for your business, our social media consultants can help make that happen!

Since 2002, Half a Bubble Out has been dedicated to providing marketing, advertising and small business consulting that meet the needs of our clients. We specialize in powerfully telling stories through inbound marketing to grow your business filled with more passion and provision. Based in Chico California, we serve clients throughout Northern California and across the country to New York.