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Grow your Business with 5 Proven Internet Marketing Strategies

Written by Natasha Hawkins | July 11, 2014

Internet Marketing has many names: Inbound Marketing, Content Marketing, E-Commerce, etc. however there are certain marketing strategies that almost any internet marketer would say are critical to a successful marketing campaign to grow your business.


1.  Blog

Content is king on the internet. The more blogs, and website pages you have the better you will rank when customers search for you online. Blogging is also another way for you to communicate with prospective customers and tell them exactly what you do, how you do it, and why they need it.

Did you know? Nearly 40% of US companies use blogs for marketing purposes. (eMarketer, August 2010)

2.  Landing Pages

One of the best ways to get more clients is by adding landing pages to your marketing strategy. Landing pages can help you take website visitors and convert them into actual leads.

Did you know? Companies with 30 or more landing pages generate 7X more leads than those with fewer than 10. (HubSpot)

3.  Calls-to-Action

Website visitors should know exactly what you want them to do. You will need to give them an action to take, hence your call-to-action!

For example: “Click here” or “Download our Guide.”

4.  Offers

Offers come in the form of eBooks, downloads, white-papers, video, etc., and are hidden behind a form that the user must fill out to obtain your download. Once someone commits to downloading your offer, and fills out the form, they become a lead for your sales team. Download marketing offer templates.

5.  Email

Email marketing is a beast all its own, but a simple way to get started and reap the email marketing benefits is to create 3 email follow ups after an offer is downloaded. The first email should be a thank you for downloading, we value you, and by the way have you read this blog on…the second email should lead them further down the sales funnel where they can get to know your company. The third email should have the goal of converting them to a customer.

Did you know? Companies with mature lead generation and management practices have a 9.3% higher sales quota achievement rate. (CSO Insights)


Internet Marketing is a great way to boost your ROI and grow your business than you could have ever hoped for. However, that dream could fall short without the correct strategies. Use these five strategies and you will see results. Need help applying these strategies to your marketing? Contact Half a Bubble Out today and we can lead you down the right path.

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