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5 of the Best Landing Page Terms Every Business Owner Should Know

Written by Natasha Hawkins | November 8, 2013

Landing pages can drastically increase the number of leads and customers your business is getting. A landing page is designed to capture information from your website vistors that can help you understand their wants and needs even better. However, there are many business owners who don't know what a landing page is or how it works, let alone the vocabulary that surrounds it. So let's take a step back and define 5 key terms that relate to the best landing pages.

   1. Landing page

While some of you might know what a landing page is, there are plenty of people who ask us the same question all the time. What is a landing page? A landing page is a section or page of a website that is accessed by clicking a hyperlink on another web page. A landing page helps keep your traffic focused and makes sure you are doing your best to convert a visitor on your site into an actual paying customer.


   2. Call-to-Action

On a landing page there are certain actions we want our visitors to take. Whether that be filling out a form, downloading an e-book, or calling your business. No matter what the action is you need a trigger, a call-to-action is just that. It can be done with words or images, but it must be clear and the main focus of the page. If you want someone to fill out a form, then tell them exactly that with a strong header. If you want them to click “Submit,” then make your call-to-action "Click Here" or an image that is bright and looks like a button. The best landing pages have calls-to-action that are enticing, clear, and relevant.


   3. Contact Form

A contact form is how you will capture information, acquire leads, and learn more about your website visitors. The best landing pages have a form that generally includes a form header, 3-4 fields, and a submit button. However, depending on what your landing page is offering you may include more fields. Below are three examples of offers and their related forms.

Example Offer #1: One Page Downloadable Checklist
Form Fields:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email
  • Website URL

Example Offer #2: 10 Page Document Explaining a Service or Product
Form fields:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email
  • Phone Number
  • Company Role
  • Website URL


Example Offer #3: Quote Request for a Service
Form fields:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email
  • Phone Number
  • Company Role
  • Company Size - # of Employees
  • Company Revenue
  • Website URL


   4. Submit Buttons

Submit buttons are how your visitors will send you the information they fill out in your form. Submit buttons don’t always have to be the same color, shape, and size. In fact, they don’t even have to say submit. Other action words or phrases that relate directly to the offer actually work the best and have a higher conversion rate. Instead of submit try “Sign-up to Get Checklist,” or “Send for Quote.”


   5. Conversion Rate

While conversion rate sounds intimidating and technical it is actually very easy to understand and one of the most important metrics to pay attention to for a landing page. The conversion rate is the proportion of visits to a landing page who take action to go beyond a casual content view or website visit, as a result of subtle or direct requests from marketers, advertisers, and content creators. Put more simply, it is how many people signed up on your landing page divided by the total number of visits. The result is the rate at which your landing page was successful. The best landing pages have a good rate between 1-3%. If your conversion rate is below 1-3% then you may need to make adjustments to your landing page. 


Hopefully this gives you a little bit more insight to what makes up the best landing pages. You can view some great examples here. If you'd like to start building landing pages into your internet marketing strategy, we'd love to help!

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