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Google Killed the Keyword Star! Do SEO Services for Small Business Have a Future?

Written by Natasha Hawkins | October 4, 2013

It seems that October is a little more frightful than expected, as most of you may have heard Google has made a major algorithm update called, “The Hummingbird Upate.” However Google didn’t stop there. It has also admitted to blocking 100% of search query data in Google Analytics, meaning you will no longer see exactly what keywords brought visitors to your site. What does this all mean for your website and general SEO services for small business? For small businesses paying for SEO services there is no need to worry, as long as your SEO agency is performing services with Google’s advice in mind:

Nothing has changed. If you have original, high-quality content, and you have high-quality and relevant websites linking to your own website, then your website is still going to rank well. If anything, your website’s rankings will improve just as they should have after the Penguin and Panda updates rolled out.

This is why it is so important that you hire an SEO Agency that seeks to provide your visitors with quality content that they find valuable. If you find that your website has information or content that does not coincide with your products, services, or ideas, then it is likely not supposed to be there. Keep in mind that Google treats the SEO agency doing your SEO work as if it were the business or website itself. If they are performing “Black-Hat” services with no intention of creating valuable content then you will be penalized. Penalized? Yes, this could mean your site can drop from a comfortable 3rd, or 5th position on page 1, to page 96 of search results!


How Can You Protect Your Company?


Make sure you do your homework. Don’t hire a company just because they are the cheapest, or in your same city. Venture out of your comfort zone, and consider multiple SEO agencies when hiring. An agency that provides SEO services for small business should always have a close relationship with you and your company. Here are a few important services your SEO agency should offer when you hire them:  

  • Detailed research of your industry
  • Consumer research
  • Meetings with you to discover your business’ services
  • Blog & content creation strategy
  • Link building

These are just a few services that should be part of your SEO strategy. If any agency promises quick results to the number 1 spot on page 1, you should be leery. These companies are typically after a quick buck and are not listening to Google.


Keep Your Future in Mind


It is important to remember your SEO strategy isn’t just month to month. A good strategy must follow Google’s guidance to survive. If you choose to cut corners, buy links, reviews, and other SEO services for small business that cheat the system, you will soon find out your strategy will bite the dust. Google’s algorithm is built to detect fraudulent SEO services, and with each update they are ruling out websites that violate rules. Don’t be one of these companies, stay ahead of the curve and do it the right way. 


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