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Top 5 Local Link Building Services Your Business Can't Live Without

Written by Natasha Hawkins | May 31, 2013

What are Link Building Services?

Link Building is a lot like getting voted prom king or queen. You need votes to win the crown and win customers. When a classmate recommends you this is a lot like getting a link from a website and this process is very similar to performing link building services. 

Link Building services are a lot more complicated than a high school prom election, however the point is link building doesn’t have to be scary or foreign to you, and as a business owner or leader you need link building for your internet marketing to be successful.

There are many different strategies and tactics to link building, and instead of confusing you, or overwhelming you we have decided to list our Top 5 Link Building services that can bring you the most customers with the least effort and lowest cost to your business.


Top 5 Local Link Building Services Your Business Can’t Live Without!


Amazing Link building service #1: Blog Commenting


This step is as easy as searching for blogs in your area that might relate to your service or product. Make a list of vertical industries and keywords that relate to your business vertically. What do I mean by vertically? For example, if your business is a rafting guide service, you might look for local businesses or groups that sell kayaks, canoes, paddles, survival gear, and more. These places are where your customers are, and when you comment and start discussions on these vertical blogs it is almost like fishing for customers. You never know when you might get a bite.


A few tips for commenting on local blogs:


  • Make sure you add your website URL if a URL box is available.
  • Make sure you add your name in the same format on each blog.
  • Don’t mention your company name in a spammy way, ease into discussion and slide your name in when the time feels right. This might not always be on the first comment, or the second, or even the third. Be patient. 

Revenue Boosting Link building Service #2: Guest Blogging!

Many local business owners wonder how they can get their business name out to the community they live in. This is especially true with niche industries. You might think your niche or super specialization narrows your options, but what you might not realize is it can help you qualify customers and increase you’re possibility of becoming relevant to your customers. All you have to do is put your business in front of them. How can you do this? Make a list of keywords (Checkout the Google Keyword tool, or hire us for SEO!). Once you have your list pick a keyword and perform a search in Google like the one below:


“Your Location + Keywords or Phrase”


You can also try,


inurl:yourlocation “guest post”


These search queries will return more specific results and help you narrow down a list of 5 blogs you would like to guest post on. Now it is up to you to think of something to say that would bring value to those blogs, contact the site, and request a guest post.

Here is a great video that can give you a little guideance, and help you understand the good way to guest post vs. taking it too far. 



This might seem a little scary, but you will actually be surprised how many people will let you guest post.

Guest blogging can bring more local traffic to your site, introduce your business to a community, and get you local links. All of these benefits will contribute to increasing your website ranking and will get you more customers.


Helpful Link building Service #3: Testimonials

If you are a business owner or leader you most likely have a list of vendors, or services that you use frequently. It’s time to give them some love! These businesses have websites, and local listings on Yelp, Google+, Yellowbook.com, and more. These sites often allow for testimonials and reviews of your favorite companies.


Offer-up glowing reviews of their products and services on the condition that they link to your site. This can greatly improve their local listing and yours!


Tips for Link building Testimonials:


  • Make a list of vendors and businesses you love. Email them your proposition.
  • Make a list of vendors and businesses and review them anyways. It is likely if they are paying attention to their listings they will review you back and that will also help your local SEO! 

Give Back with Link Building Service #4: Scholarship Funds

This might come as a surprise to some of you, and when I first heard about it I was floored. There is a way to get productive quality .edu links from colleges and schools if you create and offer a scholarship. These scholarships could be as low as $250 dollars and as much as you are able to offer.

How can giving away a scholarship help you get links?

Once you have your dollar amount set, make sure you outline the details of the scholarship and create a page on your website that includes the following:


Who will qualify?

What are the qualifications?

What is the amount?

How can students apply?

When is the Deadline?


After your site is ready, find local universities, high schools, and clubs that have scholarship page on their website. These pages often list scholarships that students can apply for and have links to the businesses and pages they are offered from. These links are considered very valuable by Google and search engines. Plus you can give back and increase the reputation of your brand.


Build Relationships with Link building Service #5: Forum Discussions

As a business owner or leader you and your staff are very knowledgeable in your niche and you have the knowledge and experience that can answer many people’s questions. Joining discussions is a great way to show your credibility, help out a potential customer, and even get a link or two. There are thousands of discussions and forums, and each discussion is rooted in a specific niche or topic. Find discussions and topics that relate to your business and that you can contribute to. Offer your answers and knowledge for free, and you will see your brand reputation, and links grow!

Tips for Forum Discussions:

  • Make sure you create a “Handle” or username that associates you with your business
  • When signing up for discussions make sure you list your website URL if there is an option to provide it.
  • Complete your bio section if applicable, and include your skills, experience, and business name.
  • Offer information and answers; don’t include a link in every discussion.
  • Only include a link to your website when it fits into the discussion 
  • Don’t sell, help!


All of these are great tactics and applications to get links for your website and increase your page rank. Please keep in mind, if you do decide to hire a link building service they must practice and build links through Google approved tactics. We do not believe in paying for links and neither does Google. 


I hope these 5 Link building tips help you and your business get more leads, increase conversion, and ultimately get you more customers! After all without customers there is no business.